The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions

The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions

This is a book clearly written by an academic. But please dont let that scare you off. Its chocked full of interesting, science-based insight on the connection between emotions and disease. What was once dismissed as theoretical supposition, author Esther M. Sternberg, M.D. proves through research, experimentation, history, and first-hand accounts. She shares collective and engrossing evidence with the goal of raising awareness of how the bodys emotional response to external stimuli can result in disease, and how it can be protected and, in some instances, healed.

If you know me, Im squeamish, so reading a medical book is not something I would voluntarily do. While Sternberg does delve into the medical and scientific details supporting this topic, it wasnt presented in a way that would turn the reader off. Nor did she patronize the reader. Rather, she humanized the subject with clear explanations and concrete evidentiary proof, calling for awareness and positive change.

Sternberg also shares how alternative therapies and conventional medicine agree the bodys immune functioning has direct ties to operating emotions.

For example, while some stress is good for the body, chronic stress negatively impacts immune functioning; triggers that impair can be rewired through conditioning. Additionally, novelty creates stress, but using sensory rituals go far in reducing (or banishing) anxiety with familiar activities that release endorphins and shut down pain and worry.

While you might not read this entire book in one sitting, you will read it from cover to cover.

Then probably once more. Prior to writing this, it was my third reading of this book. And once again, I took copious notes which I plan to review and apply. If youre a person facing change, struggling with anxiety, or simply want to proactively support your immune functioning, this is a must-read book for your physical and mental health.

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