Author Q&A With DC Rivera

Author Q&A With DC Rivera

DC Rivera has been writing her whole life, but published originally as a doctor in the field of Health Sciences. DC has pursued fiction writing since 2016. She believes that readers enjoy relaxing with a good book and is committed to creating stories with unique experiences that fans will love. She’s written in many genres and her latest book Shadow Aspect is on sale now. Meet DC: 

You are an author, but is it your day job? If not, what fills your days? It is my day job now, I’m retired from pro dance, and as a doctor, I also write health/wellness articles.

Did you always want to be an author? Yes, along with wanting to be a pro dancer. I got my first idea for a book when I was 14 y.o., then started drafting it at age fifteen, working on it whenever I could for the next 30 years plus! After over 600+ rejections, the editors and then over 50 edits on my own, that book finally found a home! Campfires to be released in 2025!

What is your most recent book and what inspired you to write it? Shadow Aspect, released in March 2024 by TouchPoint Press. I had kicked around the idea for a few years about a massacred family and a surviving child.

How do you hope your book uplifts those who read it? It would seem a family massacre would be macabre and scary. Though the theme of “scariness” is throughout the novel, it’s also a story of survival, second chances, powering through life, all elements that can uplift readers in a story of hope amidst heartbreak.

What are you most excited about with this book? Mainly that it finally got published! And also the chance to connect with readers. I’m also in love with my book cover and blurb!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to succeed in your professional industry? Perseverance is key! When the rejections and criticisms come, plus the endless waiting around for query responses or such, you have to push through.

How do you handle setbacks and criticism? Not very well at times! But in the same way I spent years working my way to being a pro dancer in an industry that can be harsh, I had to adopt that same mindset in writing. I just always had to find a nugget of hope or learning from setbacks and criticism.

Being an author today is like running a business. How do you manage all your publicity, social media and keep your engagement up with readers? I’m not super swift with social media, but I am on Instagram, Twitter X, and a private writing group on Facebook, and I do try to engage others. I’ve not been in the game long enough to have earned “fans” but I hope to! I have a website and it is managed by someone so I don’t have that task to worry about (it’s not cheap though to pay a monthly fee, but worth it). I’m hoping in the future to be able to afford to pay an assistant to take care of publicity, marketing and social media posts. That will free me up to not only have more time to write, but to start up blogs, newsletters, podcasts, etc., which in the present, would be difficult to do with my other family commitments.

How do you hold yourself accountable and achieve the goals that you set forth? I am disciplined (writing every day or fulfilling tasks related to my business, posting on social or sending out queries, etc.) However, I don’t lock myself into churning out a set number of words or pages per day. I go with the flow rather than put those pressures on myself.

How do you structure your day and make time for writing? My mind is “programed” to write every day–whether it’s five words or five pages. Before I officially retired a few years ago, it was difficult to squeeze in writing. It’s a little easier now to dedicate time to writing, but is a matter of setting your mind to do it on a daily basis or within a specific time frame.

What do you find most fulfilling in the career that you’ve chosen? Creating! Much like when I was a dancer and working out choreography, it is fulfilling to pour words out of paper (or computer screen) and see a story grow and come to life.

What book uplifts you? I can’t necessarily narrow down a specific book, but it would be whatever the book is that I’m reading at the moment when I need it. In other words, if I need a rom-com or story about dogs or whatever it is that brings me joy and peace, to find a book with that theme and get lost in it.

Anything else you’d like to share with your readers? It’s exciting to be able to write for others! Writing has been a solo activity, and as an author putting words on the paper, you’re writing for yourself (even if you have a target audience in mind or a particular marketing angle), but once the book is actually published, you realize “Hey, I’ve got readers who’ll actually see this!”

Connect with DC and learn about all her books via her website. 

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