Book Talk

Storybook Adventures: Who Needs a Wig Anyway?

Author Q&A With Heidi Beierle

5 Ways to Promote Your Book Without Fatiguing Your Audience

Author Q&A With Jeffrey Dunn

Exploring Wonder: Strategies for Keeping the Flame of Learning Alive

Author Q&A With Anne Butler Montgomery

Book Teaser: Sad Sacked, A Memoir

Author Q&A With Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim

6 Picks: Books To Help You Prepare For (and Prevent) Emergencies

The Light and Dark of Writing (and Reading) Romantic Suspense

Igniting Your Child’s Love for Reading With This Guide

Author Q&A With Melanie K. Moschella

Author Q&A With Gloria Galloway

4 Benefits of a Book-Based Education

Author Q&A With Jim Wilson

Brews and Books: Coffees to Pair with Your Morning Read

6 Picks: Must-Read Books for Successful Spring Cleaning

Author Q&A With Glenn Miller

Books That Will Make You a More Well-Rounded Person 

Leadership Lessons Learned in Pursuit of Connecting with Readers

6 Picks: Books for Proactively, and Thoughtfully, Managing Conflict

Elements Authors Use to Build the Intense Suspense

No Such Thing as a Bad Review

How I Became a Screenwriter

Book Teaser: Amber’s Way

Novellas aren’t Novel but are Growing in Appeal

Five “Killer” Genres Unpacked: The Difference Between a Mystery, Detective, Crime, Thriller, and Suspense Novel

Literary Lounging: Discovering the Ideal Sofas for Book Lovers

Author Q&A With Dee Walters

The Role of the Writer

Finding Time to Write

6 Picks: Books That Help You Navigate Challenging Colleagues

Author Q&A with Paige E. Ewing

Author Q&A With Rachel Silber Devlin

Goals, Goals, and More Goals. Taking The New Year by Storm

My Beta Reading Deadline.

Book Teaser: UnSuited

Celebrating December Holidays Through Books

Happy Holidays and Thank You for Being You!

Southern Book Affairs

6 Picks: Books for a Happier Soul

Author Q&A With Patricia D’Arcy Laughlin

Eleanor & Harry: Award-Winning Short Story

6 Picks: Books That Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest

Author Q&A With Angela Terry

Journalist Q&A With Alyshia Hull

Book Teaser: The Trouble with Drowning

Author Q&A With Randy Overbeck

Author Q&A With Zoe Twitt

Author Q&A With Kim Imas

What Do You Do When Bad Things Happen? From Trauma to Purpose

Author Q&A With Brent J. Ludwig

Book Teaser: Under The Java Moon

Why BU Won’t Go AI

6 Picks: Books That Help You Take Back Your Power

Author Q&A With Scott Kyle

Author Q&A With J.S. Puller

Author Q&A With Jessica Sinarski

Author Q&A With Lisa Wilkes

Author Q&A With Samantha Picaro

Author Insights: How Books Can Ease Children’s Anxiety

Author Q&A With Amber Daulton

Author Q&A With Dineen Miller

How Writing a Novel is Like Being an Amateur Chef

Author Insights: Strive for Continuous Improvement

Where Do “Novel” Ideas Come From?

Author Q&A With Jeff Alt

How Books Help You Ease Your Worry

Author Q&A With Brooke Bentley

Use of Quotes in a Book

Why Writing Your Life Story Matters

Author Q&A With John Lawrence Graham

3 Author Hacks For Combatting Setbacks

Author Q&A With Diana Rubino

The Great Escape: How Books Help You Stay Sane

Writer’s Corner: A Title Is Worth a Thousand Words

Author Q&A With Orlando Ortega-Medina

My Eat, Pray, Love, Year of Writing Fiction

Author Q&A With Sunshine Rodgers

Author Q&A With Lynn Forney

Author Q&A With Sierra Isley

Author Q&A With Sylvia Day

Author Q&A with Dan Albaum

My James Patterson Encounter

Getting Your Mind Right for Writing

How Writers Support One Another

A Book Is Born

Writer’s Corner: What The Heck Is High-Concept Fiction?

The Books That Started It All

Author Q&A With Shane ‘S.K.’ Healy

6 Picks: Books That Inspire Kids to Be Go-Getters

Author Q&A with Dr. Madeleine Vieira

Author Q&A With Erika Bud

Author Insights: Combatting Cabin Fever

Writer’s Corner: 6 Helpful Tips for Creating Goal, Motivation, & Conflict

Nobody Washes Dishes in a Suspense Thriller: Why I Love Cozy Mysteries

The Story of My Settings

Author Q&A With Dr. Carolyn Kurle

6 Picks: Books to Help You Quiet Your Inner Critic

Author Q&A With Julia A. Nicholson

Writing As Therapy

Author Q&A With Nicole Dake

6 Picks: Books To Help You Live a Guilt-Free Year

Writer’s Corner: An Author’s Word Count Primer

6 Picks: Books to Help You Rise Above Gossip

Bookstore Spotlight: Copper Dog Books

Author Q&A With Erin Carrougher

6 Picks: Books To Support a Social Media Fast

Author Q&A with Larry Atlas

6 Picks: Books to Help You Cultivate More Discipline

Writer’s Corner: Who Is Your Reader?

Writer’s Corner: Choosing the Best Name for Your Character

Writer’s Corner: What Makes a Book a Great Sale?

Writer’s Corner: How To Tighten Up Your Manuscript

Author Q&A with Alison McGregor

How to Build an Author Platform

Author Q&A with Matthew Donald

THIS Writer’s Guide to Rejection

Author Q&A With Anne Marie Bennett

5 Tips for Writing Stories that Give People Hope

Why Book Conferences Are Worth The Investment

Writer’s Corner: The Distinction Between Middle Grade and Young Adult Books: And Why It Matters

Writer’s Corner: The Ingredients of a Best-Selling Book

Writer’s Corner: Is “New Adult” Still a Thing?

6 Picks: Kid’s Books Celebrating Mother Earth

Writer’s Corner: Tips For Writing a Great Author’s Bio

Writer’s Corner: How a Literary Agent Has Your Back 

Author Q&A with Alexis A. Goring

6 Picks: Books to Launch Your Self-Reflection Journey

Author Q&A with Jeri Westerson

Why I Write Book Reviews

Author Q&A with C. D’Angelo

10 Exciting Writing Spots to Refresh Your Inner Muse

Author Q&A With Luisana Duarte Armendáriz

Author Q&A With Renée Rosen

Author Q&A with Joanne Hale

Author Q&A with Y. Deonna

Author Q&A With Linda Ashman

Author Q&A With Monique Fisher

Author Q&A with Agatha Zaza

Author Q&A with Bracha Sharp

Author Q&A with Traci L. Jones

How to Pick the Best Books

Bookstore Spotlight: Planting People Growing Justice

Storytelling: A Guest Post by Jen Braaksma

Author Q&A with Scott Kimak

6 Picks: Books That Celebrate the Fabulous Journey of Fatherhood

Author Q&A with Meghan P. Browne

Author Q&A With Michelle Lander Feinberg

Author Q&A With Andrea Clark

Author Q&A With Peggy Archer

6 Picks: Environmental books with small steps that make a big difference in saving our planet

Author Q&A with Craig Matthews

Author Q&A with Bob Mayer

Author Q&A With Larry Yoke

Bookstore Spotlight: Kew & Willow Books 

Author Q&A with Marlene Adelstein

Author Q&A with Kate Battistelli

Author Q&A With Sherri Leimkuhler

Author Q&A with Todd Hosea 

Author Q&A with Charlotte Nystrom

Author Q&A with Elfary Detorres

Author Q&A with James Benn

Author Q&A with Naomi Danis

Author Q&A with B. A. Williamson

Blind Turn

Author Q&A with Brett Champan

Author Q&A with Lori Spielman

Author Insights: Expert Advice For Achieving Financial Bliss 

Perfect Pairings for Your Favorite Book Genres

Author Q&A with Cara Sue Achterberg

Author Q&A with Joanne Holbrook

Bookstore Spotlight: Copperfish Books

6 Picks: New Books That Really Make You Think

Author Q&A with Marty Ambrose

6 Picks: Book Covers That Will Take Your Breath Away

Author Q&A with Lynnette Austin

Author Q&A with Natascha Biebow

Author Q&A with Valerie Brooks

Author Q&A with CJ Warrant

Author Q&A with Tabetha Waite

Author Q&A with Merril Hoge

6 Picks: Books that Support the Grieving Process

Author Q&A with Michelle Barker

Author Q&A with Dan DeFigio

Author Q & A with Rich Perry

Author Insights: Staying Productive When Sunshine Is Calling

Author Q & A with Tina P. Schwartz

Author Insights: Why Being Nice Doesn’t Always Cut It

Author Q & A with Joseph Lewis

4 Books That Will Help You Be More Mindful

Is a Creative Career Calling You? 

5 Ways Kindness Boosts Your Success (And the Books that Will Show You The Way)

7 Ways To Lessen the Sting of Insults (And Books That Will Help)

A ‘Philadelphia Story’ of a Creative Career

Saying “No” and Letting Go 

Bright Books for When You’re Feeling Blue

The Power of Books

Fiction Friends Versus Fictional Friends

Create Lasting Conference Experiences

Good Reads for Your Career

Are Writing and Reading Guilty Pleasures?

How Do I Pick The Books I Review?

5 Ways Reading Improves Your Brain Health

Why can’t these books be made into movies?

150 Books In A Year—Don’t Try This At Home

Don’t Close The Book On Libraries

Careers For Creatives?

Book Club Favorites

Something Old and Something New


Self-Compassion for The Reader and The Writer

Word Jumbles

She’s Outta This World – Female Fantasy Heroines To The Rescue

Another World

6 Picks: Books With a Rainy Day Theme (Well, sort of…)

A Bouquet of Colored Pencils and Other Gifts Creatives Love

What’s Fun For You? Reading—Guilt Free

I Double Dog Dare You! To Write The Next Bestseller

How Winter Holidays Can Help Us Make Heartfelt Changes

4 Ways Writing Improves Your Life

6 Picks: Books That Will Scare the Bejeebers Out of You!

Website by John Wierenga