Writer’s Corner

A Subsidiary Rights Kick-Start

5 Ways to Promote Your Book Without Fatiguing Your Audience

Writer’s Corner: 5 Tips For Pre-Publication Book Promotion

5 Things to Do When Preparing for a Publishing Meeting

Writer’s Corner: 6 Items Every Author Should Include on Their Resume

Writer’s Corner: Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Preemptive Offer

Writer’s Corner: Are You A Distracted Writer?

Writer’s Corner: How Does a Publishing Auction Work?

Writer’s Corner: Tired of Starting Over on Your Goals?

Writer’s Corner: 5 Ways to Make the Most of The Publishing Industry’s Holiday Break

Writer’s Corner: The Magic of a Mentor

Writer’s Corner: How to Weave Exposition into Your Book Like A Pro

Writer’s Corner: 5 Elements of an Eye-Catching Query Letter

Writer’s Corner: 6 Ways to Be a Good Critique Partner

Use of Quotes in a Book

Writer’s Corner: Intrigued By the Deep POV?

3 Author Hacks For Combatting Setbacks

Plotter or Pantser? What About Quilter?

Writer’s Corner: A Title Is Worth a Thousand Words

Writer’s Corner: The “Write” Resources

Writer’s Corner: Pantser’s Guide to Plotting

Getting Your Mind Right for Writing

A Book Is Born

Writer’s Corner: What The Heck Is High-Concept Fiction?

Writer’s Corner: How Archetypes Give Characters Dimensionality

Writer’s Corner: 6 Helpful Tips for Creating Goal, Motivation, & Conflict

Writer’s Corner: An Author’s Word Count Primer

Writer’s Corner: Who Is Your Reader?

Writer’s Corner: Choosing the Best Name for Your Character

Writer’s Corner: What Makes a Book a Great Sale?

Writer’s Corner: How To Tighten Up Your Manuscript

How to Build an Author Platform

THIS Writer’s Guide to Rejection

Writer’s Corner: Resources for Developing Character Archetypes

Writer’s Corner: The Distinction Between Middle Grade and Young Adult Books: And Why It Matters

When I Finally Called Myself a “Writer”

Writer’s Corner: The Ingredients of a Best-Selling Book

Writer’s Corner: Is “New Adult” Still a Thing?

Writer’s Corner: Tips For Writing a Great Author’s Bio

Writer’s Corner: How a Literary Agent Has Your Back 

Writer’s Corner: Great Resources for Writers

Website by John Wierenga