Storybook Adventures: Who Needs a Wig Anyway?

July 25, 2024

Guest Post by Executive Director, Kids Need to Read, Jessica Payne Storytime is a gift we can give to children, fostering their imagination, language development, and emotional growth. It creates a strong bond between children and caregivers, providing an opportunity for connection and shared experiences. Children are made readers on the laps of their parents” […]

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Finding Your Author’s Voice

July 21, 2024

Finding your voice is an answer to the question “Who is your reader?” Is this person looking for something serious, suspenseful, authoritative, humorous, spiritual, entertaining, dark, deep, light-hearted, or something else, that you may find parallels in a category on the booksellers’ shelves? Regardless of the central thread, your voice is uniquely you. It’s ironic how your […]

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Author Q&A With Jenny Mitchell

July 19, 2024

Jenny Mitchell, CFRE, DMA, CEC is the Chief Visionary Officer of Chavender where she works closely with leaders to change the world one mission at a time. She is a dynamic speaker, executive coach, fundraising professional, and host of the Underdog Leadership podcast. She is also the author of Embracing Ambition: Empowering Women to Step […]

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Meet Piggy, by Sr. Publicist Nicole Baker

July 14, 2024

Meet sweet Pig! Piggy came to us right before the world shut down due to COVID. We went to a local pet food store to get bones for the three dogs we already had, and the humane society was there with adoptable pups. On the shoulder of one of the volunteers was a tiny little […]

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Author Q&A With Heidi Beierle

July 7, 2024

In 2010, Heidi Beierle had just finished her first year of graduate studies in community and regional planning and decided to pedal her bicycle solo from her home on the West Coast across rural America to the Preserving the Historic Road conference in Washington, D.C. Along the way, Heidi was surprised by the kindness of strangers and the emotional […]

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Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues

July 5, 2024

Bestselling author, Kelli Miller, is back on the publishers’ list with a how-to book on proactively solving relationship issues. As a couple’s therapist, she’s seen it all. And her latest book Love Hacks, while not a substitute for therapy, is an excellent supplement filled with proven strategies to help couples both mend wounds and reconnect […]

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Website by John Wierenga