Archive | January, 2023

Author Q&A With Dr. Carolyn Kurle

Dr. Carolyn Kurle is a tenured Biology Professor at the University of California, San Diego and the author of multiple scientific research articles on aspects of environmental conservation. Her first book, The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True, is an invitation for you to turn inward and find, listen to, […]

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Author Q&A With Julia A. Nicholson

Julia A. Nicholson is a former CEO, executive leadership expert, business consultant, and adjunct professor of business who has excelled for decades as an industry-leading visionary on governance, strategic planning, team building, and executive performance. But she has also faced an inordinate amount of adversity in her life. In the span of 15 years, she […]

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Writing As Therapy

I’m going to be blunt—whether you think you need a dose of therapy or not, it’s at your fingertips whenever you need it. I was shocked when one of my fellow author friends shared with me that he’s been journaling as a way of therapy. To be clear, I’m not shocked about writing as therapy […]

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Author Q&A With Nicole Dake

Nicole Dake is an author, mom of three, and blogger on parenting with a focus on health and wellness for moms and kids. Nicole has a BA in Psychology with a minor in Religious Studies from the University of Colorado and a Paralegal Certification from Boston University. Though she’s originally from the United States, she […]

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Website by John Wierenga