Libraries are one of the favorite environments for authors. It’s where stories are read, shared, born, and yes, written. Often taken for granted and sometimes hanging on by a financial thread, these stalwart supporters of the literacy moment need your support. Facing economic, technological, and yes, political challenges, libraries still stand the test of time. […]
Archive | Musings
Celebrating Women Authors
Most people recognize the outstanding achievements of women during the month of March. But August also boasts its share of special days for women. August 9th is National Women’s Day; August 13th is Women’s and Family Day; and August 26th is Women’s Equality Day. Yes, while it’s worth celebrating and honoring women all year long, […]
Behind the Publishing Curtain: What You Don’t Know About Their Crazy-Busy Workday.
When you (or your literary agent) have submitted your book to a publisher, you embark on a roller coaster of emotions. Euphoria, confidence, anticipation. Sound familiar? But what happens when the next day comes, and you don’t get a phone call? Then several weeks and then months pass and suddenly your emotions shift from excitement […]
6 Creative Gifts for the Kid in You
No one outgrows their love of fun—at least, I sure hope not. So, why not embrace it? Time for creative expression vastly improves one’s health. You don’t need to spend your time producing a work of art, rather, a leisurely fifteen minutes or so with Crayola and a coloring page is enough to provide a […]
The Light and Dark of Writing (and Reading) Romantic Suspense
This isn’t a blog about the ups and downs of the romantic suspense genre. Rather, it’s about the light and dark. To clarify, I’m using those words as a “simplistic umbrella” when describing novel elements and author styles. It’s also how I categorize my works of fiction. Just because I write light, doesn’t mean I can’t […]
4 Benefits of a Book-Based Education
“Formal education gets you a job. Self-education makes you rich.” ~ Jim Rohn There are countless success stories told by millionaires, icons, leaders, athletes, entrepreneurs, celebrities, influencers, professionals, and authors who gained their education from books. Whether they didn’t succeed in a formal teaching environment or didn’t have access to, or the luxury of, traditional […]
Brews and Books: Coffees to Pair with Your Morning Read
If you’re a morning person, you probably also have a morning routine. Exercise, meditation, podcasts, newspaper, prayer, journaling, taking a walk, or doing something that is just for you before the day gets rolling. Because once it does, often you’re at the mercy of other people’s schedules. Still, whether you work at home, from home, […]
Books That Will Make You a More Well-Rounded Person
Do you remember filling out your college applications? Along with your GPA and essays there were questions about your extracurricular activities. The emphasis was on finding out whether you were a well-rounded person. But being “well-rounded” is much more than participating in the Glee Club or volunteering at your local pet shelter. It includes adopting […]
Elements Authors Use to Build the Intense Suspense
You’ve just tossed a handful of popcorn into your mouth when “Bam!” the killer jumps out of the closet. You jump, choke, and rush to the kitchen for a cool drink to clear the cough and curb your adrenaline. While that movie success is the result of a million-dollar budget, authors don’t have that luxury. […]
No Such Thing as a Bad Review
Let’s face it. No one likes criticism. Well, at least the destructive kind which hurts to read and possibly leads to scars or setbacks. But we also can agree that constructive criticism is useful. While there’s positives and negatives to all feedback, the “bad reviews” of books are largely of the latter. Now I’m not […]