Finding Time to Write

Finding Time to Write

This is an ongoing challenge for so many writers because life “gets in the way.” Any writer and author you talk with will share their ongoing battle with choosing between getting word count met or taking care of personal and professional business.

Of course, if you’re on a publisher’s deadline, the accountability helps.But not everyone is. Therefore, you need to make it a priority. One of my author friends shares how the mantra “just ten minutes a day (or more)” has helped her reach her goals. I like that. 

And me? I try so hard to prioritize time for writing because I love it and it’s my escape from reality. I’m not alone. Many readers and writers feel the same. Still, it’s not always easy to find the time every day without fail. For me it comes down to a serious juggling of personal and professional. Clients, projects, and yes, life and distractions getting in the way.

Now, if you’re following me on Instagram then you know what my biggest distraction has been as of late. We’ve recently brought a rescue dog home.  Lot’s of training and lots of chewing of shoes. What was I thinking? I’ll reserve an answer to that statement for my next nonfiction book bearing that very title (wink!). Until then, I’ll keep juggling and writing and resting easy knowing I’m not the only one struggling to find time to write. Just check out the answers from these brilliant authors on the following questions:

When do you write?

How do you find the time?

How do you make the time?

Now answer these for yourself and share your thoughts below.

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