Archive | February, 2023

Author Q&A With Lucinda Race

Lucinda Race draws inspiration for her books from her dreams. When she was younger she believe everyone’s dreams were like chapters in a book. It was only as she began talking to other authors that this wasn’t the case. So either she was a little nuts, or she needed to sit down in front of […]

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Writer’s Corner: 6 Helpful Tips for Creating Goal, Motivation, & Conflict

Your protagonist wants something, for a compelling reason, and needs to break through all barriers to get it.  Ah, the ol’ GMC. For some, it’s a struggle, for others, it’s a breeze. While I’m no expert, I’ve gathered pearls of wisdom on the subject and plan to share more as I continue my learning journey. But one […]

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Book Craft With Jessi Holleran

I met Jessi through Copper Dog Books, where they are the Social Media and Marketing Coordinator, leading cutting edge creative initiatives online and in store. Jessi lives, works, and plays in western Maine! Their mission is to boost and promote marginalized authors’ works and help kids find books that mirror their lived experiences. After coming […]

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The Story of My Settings

They say you should write what you know. Many of us writers start with something we know. Then we take it to the next level. For example, I doubt that J. K. Rowling has ever met a wizard (one could hope), but she’s been down on her luck, like her protagonist Harry. She may even […]

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Website by John Wierenga