Archive | Writer’s Corner

A Subsidiary Rights Kick-Start

This is a blog birthed from experience. I’ve been on both sides of a contract and have heard quite a few positive and negative experiences about this seemingly confusing section of a publishing agreement. Enough to encourage writers not to ignore the “small print.” All the same, subsidiary rights can be confusing, but the monetizing […]

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5 Ways to Promote Your Book Without Fatiguing Your Audience

Guest Post by Publicist Sophia Moriarty Many authors understandably feel nervous about promoting their book, fearing that doing so will wear out their audience. However, the key to promoting your book without wearing out your audience is to consider the value you can provide, and to approach any promotion as an opportunity to engage in […]

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Writer’s Corner: 6 Items Every Author Should Include on Their Resume

Why bother with an author resume? Well, despite what you might have heard, or tried to convince yourself, the resume is still a mandatory document. This is true even for authors. In my former career, I spent over twenty years helping clients excel in their workplace and achieve their professional dreams. While often acceleration occurred […]

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Writer’s Corner: Are You A Distracted Writer?

Each writer has their unique approach. Time for writing, style of writing, approach to writing, location for writing, and of course content of writing. The diversity of authors and stories is growing like never before. It’s exciting. It’s applauded. But what about the diversity in “how” people write? I’m a writer wondering if there’s anyone out […]

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Writer’s Corner: 5 Ways to Make the Most of The Publishing Industry’s Holiday Break

If you’re a writer, author, literary agent, publisher, or publicist, you get this title. It’s that time of year when all doors close to submissions and interactions with those in the industry. If you plan to reach out to editors and agents this month, odds are you’ll soon get an auto-reply that they are closed […]

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Website by John Wierenga