Author Q&A With Gloria Galloway

Author Q&A With Gloria Galloway

Gloria Galloway was born and raised in Sacramento, California, within driving distance of the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains, which provide the backdrop for Amber’s Way. She is a member of the Authors Guild and the Sacramento chapter of the California Writer’s Club. She is a strong advocate for the Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation and the volunteers who work for the El Dorado County Search and Rescue Council (ESARC).

Gloria enjoys traveling and spending time at home with family and friends. She is often found curled up with a book next to her rescue cat, Summer. Meet Gloria…

Did you always want to be an author? I’d say that’s a definite yes! I remember making up stories at a very early age. I didn’t put pen to paper back then, the stories were in my head. My dolls volunteered to be my characters and lined up for the chance. They were always fighting about who got to be the heroine.

What is your most recent book and what inspired you to write it? Amber’s Way. It is a young adult novel dealing with childhood cancer. The inspiration came from a conversation I had one Christmas with my son-in-law’s father. We both grew up in Sacramento, California. He grew up in an unincorporated section of the city. One day a deer showed up like a lost puppy and literally adopted them. She would knock on the door with her hoof to be let in, she’d sleep in the kids’ bedroom and race alongside them when they road their bikes. She eventually returned to the wild. I knew right then I wanted to write a story about just such a remarkable deer. Amber names her deer Jane Doe.

How do you hope your book uplifts those who read it? Over the course of writing this story, I’ve made many wonderful connections. Globally, approximately 400,000 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma annually. Completely by chance, I had the good fortune to connect with award-winning author Alice J. Wisler. Alice lost her four-year-old son, Daniel, to this terrible disease. She offered her endorsement . . . “A poignant story of the love between a mother and daughter, Amber’s Way is written with tenderness, promise, and hope. Readers who have battled an illness or lost a loved one will resonate with the cast of endearing characters.” I am humbled that this courageous mother found value in my words, I hope it will do the same for others.

What are you most excited about with this book? Helping to bring awareness to childhood cancer. As part of that commitment, a percentage of the revenue will be donated to the Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation, Bloomingdale, Illinois.

How do you structure your day and make time for writing? I’m retired, so there’s always time for writing. However; I have to fight the urge to procrastinate! I mean, that floor won’t mop itself, and isn’t today garbage day? And my rescue cat, Summer, needs brushing.

What do you find most fulfilling in the career that you’ve chosen? Connecting with readers from every walk of life. The idea that I entertain, inform and, mostly importantly, touch someone in a meaningful way is the most gratifying.

Anything else you’d like to share with your readers? I write fiction, but I love coming across information not widely known and making it a part of my stories. For instance, in the prologue, Amber goes missing and is found by a search and rescue unit. Pip, the dog who finds her, is a Jack Russell Terrier, a true-life retired K-9. I know many people equate rescue dogs with breeds like the German Shepherd, but I learned that young children can sometimes be frightened by these dogs, thinking they are wolves.

Connect with Gloria and get a copy of her book via her website. 

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