Don’t Close The Book On Libraries

Don’t Close The Book On Libraries

There’s nothing quite like visiting a library. There really isn’t. Everyone has chosen to be there because they share a common love for one thing—books. Sure there are a lot more community events and family or professional activities now offered at each one, but books are what really draws people in.

Amidst those books are opportunities to build friendships, those found in book clubs, interactive programs and of course with the library staff as well. People who work at libraries enjoy interacting with their patrons and are there to encourage use of their materials and services. For them, it is a joy to see the resources being relished.

But with the emergence and spike in technological access to books, like Kindle, Nook and Audible, we really don’t need to leave our homes to get a book anymore. Additionally, most libraries make it easy for you to borrow books electronically so you don’t have to walk through their doors to check out and return a great read. They’ve had to make this advancement for obvious reasons, but this doesn’t mean they don’t want you to stop by.

Whether you are 22 or 82, I guarantee you have fond memories of your local library. There’s many great recollections among the shelves of books—your very first story time, late nights cramming for exams, leisurely weekends reading picture books to your child or when your favorite author signed your book. But let us not forget the simple kinesthetic joy that comes from opening a bound book. There’s really nothing like it.

I’d love to hear your fond library memories. And please take my heartfelt plea seriously. As authors, writers, readers and book lovers, let’s work together to keep the library doors open. 

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