Author Q&A With Patricia D’Arcy Laughlin

Author Q&A With Patricia D’Arcy Laughlin

Patricia D’Arcy Laughlin was born and raised in Trinidad, of French and British ancestry. She was educated there, the UK, and the US, experiencing a multitude of cultural influences and world-traveling for much of her life. Having created her own painting medium, “Unique Stainings On Wood,” she won “The Prize of Excellence” in a 52-country art competition in Tonneins Museum, France.

Patricia helped found several non-profits, developed and designed luxury waterfront homes with her husband, and eventually gave it all up to fulfill her lifelong dream of writing Sacrifices For Kingdoms, Book One in her trilogy. She currently resides in Sarasota, Florida, still married to her teenage sweetheart, and considers herself blessed with three children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Meet Patricia:

You are an author, but is it your day job? If not, what fills your days? It’s my day/night job. I’m currently engrossed in researching and finishing Book Three in my trilogy and in between that, another book about my life experiences. Outside of writing, I enjoy assisting my husband, children, and grandchildren in whatever ways they may need me. To de-stress, I go to the gym and speed walk 3.5 miles on the treadmill, lift light weights, and on weekends, get together with family to hear their stories and enjoy a meal together.

Did you always want to be an author? Yes. I started writing poems and songs when I was about 9 years old, and I’ve been putting experiences and thoughts onto paper ever since. At age 15, I wrote an entire play in Shakespearean language but I lost that notebook during my travels. People get that I’m non-judgmental and a good listener, and they often confide in me, so I’ve been able to draw from other people’s experiences in addition to my own when I’m writing.

What is your most recent book and what inspired you to write it? Sacrifices For Kingdoms is my new novel and Book One in my trilogy. Having lived much of my life in countries with monarchies, royal traditions were a big part of it. I learned that royals experience pretty much the same feelings as ordinary people, and was inspired to illustrate that through Prince Michael and Elizabeth’s passionate love story. My travels to historical sites taught me more about the Ancient Goddess religions. I wanted my protagonist, Elizabeth, to expose the damages caused to humanity from the oppression of females in the purely patriarchal religions that most of humanity is indoctrinated with still today.

How do you hope your book uplifts those who read it? I want people to be entertained, empowered, enlightened, and enchanted by this contemporary romance between royalty and commoner. I especially want readers, of both genders, to feel uplifted by Elizabeth’s equality speech, “God Has No Gender,” as well as enjoy the sometimes humorous, but always enjoyably erotic love-making of my protagonists, and the mysterious conflicts that arise in their suspense-filled journey.

What are you most excited about with this book? All of the above. I am excited to hear what readers think of it and how it may have benefited them. Not just in their sex lives, but more importantly, in their understanding of why humanity needs to become more knowledgeable about the differences between male and female brains, and why we stand a better chance of achieving peace on the planet if power is shared by both genders.

How did writing a book help your career take off? I’ve had multiple careers over the course of my life. Though I’ve always been a writer, being able to achieve publishing a book has boosted my self-confidence and strengthened my belief in my writing ability. I have many more stories to tell. This is only the beginning.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to succeed in your professional industry? Be tenacious. Believe in yourself and your story. Be authentic. Research your material, even for fiction. Grow a thicker skin, because people have different views about their own experiences and may try to impose them on your experiences.

How do you handle setbacks and criticism? I’m still working on growing a thicker skin, knowing that I can’t please everyone, but that my story is still worth telling if it helps just a few. People may not agree with everything that I write, but I know it will still impact them, plant a seed that can grow and hopefully, change the way they think for the betterment of humanity.

Being an author today is like running a business. How do you manage all your publicity, social media and keep your engagement up with readers? I have a wonderful book shepherd, PR team, and a fabulous assistant who helps me when I need her, day or night, for which I have the greatest appreciation. We try to keep up with social media at least every other day. Additionally, we organize book signing events with bookstores, book clubs, private groups, and other establishments. It’s a lot of work to get a book recognized but one has to persevere to make it all worthwhile.

How do you hold yourself accountable and achieve the goals that you set forth? I try to set realistic goals, but there are only so many hours in a day. Many nights, I find myself disturbed by ideas for my writing which causes me to lose sleep, and I drag myself to my computer, sometimes for the rest of the day. I delegate tasks when necessary since I have an additionally busy family life. You know the saying, “It takes a village!”

How do you structure your day and make time for writing? When the ideas come, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I must write, whether that be in a waiting room or being driven in the car. My mind is always on and even if I’m not physically writing, the story is unfolding in my head until I can get to putting it on paper or in my computer.

What do you find most fulfilling in the career that you’ve chosen? Knowing that I can bring some romance, joy, humor, spice, and enlightenment to my readers.

What book uplifts you? My own! But I’ve enjoyed so many in the past, I’ll only mention a few: the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, Children of Kaywana by Edgar Mittelholzer, the Angélique series by Anne and Serge Golon, A Woman Of Substance by Barbara Taylor Bradford, and any romantic humor by Susan Elizabeth Philips.

Anything else you’d like to share with your readers? Yes, but do you have a few years to spare? 🙂 The main thing I want to share with readers is my poem

Though your steps may falter,

Persevere with the climb;

You will achieve the summit

At the appropriate time.

Connect with, and follow, Patricia’s journey via her website.

Book and images courtesy of PR by the Book.

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