Good Reads for Your Career

Good Reads for Your Career

The next time you visit the professional development section of your local bookstore, you might just feel a little overwhelmed. There are so many good reads out there it’s not only difficult to choose the most relevant tomes but it is challenging to keep up with the latest and greatest jargon, assessments and innovative strategies. From TQM to FIRO, every year a new approach to addressing organizational management and understanding best leadership practices rises to the top of the good reads for your career.

So how do you choose? One of the best ways to determine what to read is to rely on social media. Sure, much of what is advertised is a biased blast from the publisher, but hey, you stopped by this blog, right? To be clear, it’s the chatter that follows which drives a topic to the best seller’s list. Listening to (and reading about) what people gain from the book helps determine whether it’s worth the investment. Then do your part, too. Tweet about it, add it to this blog or share it on your own website.

If you’re open to suggestions of good reads for your career, then check out my Books 4 Success page.

And follow trusted sites like Bloomsburg and the Harvard Business Journal for recommendations. Of course, if you’re hearing about books from friends, colleagues or professional development course offerings, then they’re probably worth your time.

What do I recommend? Perhaps the title of this blog led you to assume that I’d be publishing a list of what I recommend to be good reads for your career, but that list is too long to print. (Though I share it with my clients!) Still, I’ll share some inspiration.

These links provide a plethora of good reads for your career. So, dive in and be inspired. I only ask that you come back to this blog to share your answers to the following questions: “What was your biggest take away from the book?” And, “What ideas, strategies or approaches can you start applying today that will help advance your career?” Now get out there and jump into some good reads for your career! 

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