Author Q&A With Diana Rubino

Author Q&A With Diana Rubino

Diana’s passion for history has taken her to every setting of her historical and biographical novels: England, France, Egypt, Italy, and all over the United States. The contemporary fantasy “Fakin’ It”, set in Manhattan, won a Romantic Times Top Pick award. She and her husband Chris own an engineering business, and spend as much time as possible living the dream on Cape Cod. Meet Diana…

You are an author, but is it your day job? My husband and I own a construction cost estimating firm, CostPro., based in Boston. When it’s slow, I’m able to research and write.

Did you always want to be an author? Yes, as many authors did, I began writing short stories when I was about 8, and my journalism professor inspired me to write my first novel. He sent me titles to many how-to books, mostly from Writers Digest, and gave me the incentive and courage to forge ahead with book-length fiction.

What is your most recent book and what inspired you to write it? My most recent title to be released is Now and Always, a time travel romance. I wrote it several years ago and it was published by a now-defunct publisher. I gave it a complete overhaul, a new title, and my publisher Next Chapter published it. When I visited Donington-le-Heath manor house in Leicester, England, which contains a bed once owned by King Richard III, I had to weave a story around it!

What are you most excited about with this book? That I greatly improved on it, and that my publisher believed in me, and in the story. I’m also excited that it just came out on audio with the melodic voice of British narrator Jannifer Smith.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to succeed in your professional industry? Take writing courses, read how-to books, and mostly, sit down and write the story! It also helps greatly to join a critique group of writers in your genre.

How do you handle setbacks and criticism? By realizing that all authors get bad reviews all the time, and it’s important not to take it or any other criticism personally.

How do you hold yourself accountable and achieve the goals that you set forth? When I’m writing, I set a goal of 2,500 words a day, and don’t stop till they’re written.

Anything else you’d like to share with your readers? I’m fortunate that I’m able to write stories that put readers on journeys to the past, learning about strong historical figures who made a difference. I always want to entertain, but for the reader to learn about how people lived in the past, overcame their obstacles, and succeeded. I hope that inspires my readers.

Learn more about Diana and grab her book via her website.

Images Courtesy of Diana Rubino

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