Author Q&A With Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim

Author Q&A With Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim

Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim is a multi-award-winning author with a psychology, optometry, and microbiology background. She is a dedicated wife and mother to two children. Her literary works range from romantic fiction to memoirs, self-help, and educational nonfiction. Chang-Lim explores human relationships and the resilience of the spirit, crafting narratives that resonate on multiple levels. Her mission is to touch lives, inspire change, and spread love, embodying resilience, compassion, and the transforming power of storytelling. She resides in Orange County, California, with her husband and poodle mix, Gabby. Meet Eichin: 

You are an author, but is it your day job? I am a semi-retired optometrist. Even after all these years, my love for the eyecare profession has never waned. I still diligently pursue continuing education to keep my knowledge up-to-date and maintain my professional license.

Did you always want to be an author? At a young age, the love of captivating historical biographies fueled my writing dream. A detour into the science field during high school stemmed from rejections of article submissions to local youth magazines, but that wasn’t the end of the story. My writing journey has been a winding one. Years in optometry practice, my patients’ eyes revealed a treasure trove of unique narratives waiting to be told. My optometry practice was a testament to the fact that every patient had a unique story. Inspired by purposeful storytelling, I embark on a literary voyage, mirroring humanity’s essence. For me, writing transcends mere words; it’s a heartfelt exchange, a connection with readers that reflects the spirit of humanity,

What is your most recent book and what inspired you to write it? My new release is the first in a series of three books: Talking About Adolescence, How to Navigate Through Adolescence Successfully and Have a Happy Life. Book 1: Anxiety, Depression, and Adolescent Mental Health.This book is written as an easy-to-read and accessible resource for teens and young adults; it tackles the distinct challenges that today’s adolescents encounter. As a mother and healthcare provider who has worked closely with teenagers and young adults, I’ve witnessed firsthand their struggles during this critical developmental period. From grappling with mental health issues like anxiety and depression to navigating the pressures of social media and peer influence, the journey to adulthood can be tumultuous.

My inspiration for writing this series stems from personal encounters with heartbreaking events involving young people, such as instances of violence and suicide. These experiences underscored the urgent need for accessible resources and positive guidance during adolescence. I felt compelled to create the Talking About Adolescence series to equip teens and young adults with the tools and support they need to overcome obstacles and optimize their potential.My objective is to inspire adolescents (teens and young adults) to navigate adolescence effectively by sharing relatable experiences and practical guidance. By encouraging open dialogue and providing valuable resources, we can work together to create a community where all adolescents feel nurtured and empowered to thrive.

How do you hope your book uplifts those who read it? This book aims to shine a light on hidden childhood traumas, which often underlie the mental health struggles of adolescents and young adults. The narrative seeks to eliminate mental health stigma by promoting understanding and empathy. I want readers to know they are not alone and that it’s not their fault for feeling the way they do. The central theme is to encourage timely and courageous help-seeking, and this book provides practical resources and suggestions for support within the pages. Ultimately, I strive to inspire hope by showing that mental health is achievable and a happy life is within reach, even in the face of invisible pain.

What are you most excited about with this book? What excites me most is empowering teens to navigate the harsh realities of adolescence. The book’s direct approach and engaging format give them the tools to take control of their lives and pursue their dreams. It’s both a resource and a companion, reminding them they’re never alone on this journey.

How did writing a book help your career take off? Writing this series of books does not have a direct impact on my optometric career. Still, the writing process, such as background research, planning, and organizing the subject matter, deepened my understanding of human behavior, motivations, and vulnerability. This process translates to better patient interactions, allowing me to build stronger rapport and address their concerns holistically. This insight has been valuable in many aspects of my life. It has been a personal and professional growth journey that has broadened and enriched my ability to write across genres in a more profound sense.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to succeed in your professional industry? I’ve pursued diverse professional training, including a Master of Science in Microbiology, a Master of Arts in Psychology, and a Doctorate in Optometry. Regardless of the field, passion and determination are paramount for success. For healthcare-related professions that focus on improving lives, strong communication skills are critical for understanding patients’ needs and explaining complex human conditions. Empathy allows you to connect and provide compassionate care. Health care is a field that combines science and human connection, which is what drew me to it in the first place. Upholding ethical standards and prioritizing the well-being of individuals and communities are also critical pillars for success in every occupation.

How do you handle setbacks and criticism? As a young professional, I recall a time when my approach was more rigid and perfectionistic. I used to take setbacks and criticism quite personally, often reacting emotionally. Over time, I’ve learned to take a deep breath and approach challenges from a different perspective. I see criticism as valuable feedback, a chance to identify areas for improvement. They are opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Each experience has taught me valuable lessons, from the importance of resilience to the power of constructive feedback. I’ve developed strategies for bouncing back from setbacks, whether seeking support from colleagues or taking time for reflection.Ultimately, I’m committed to using every setback and criticism as a chance to improve and evolve. I actively seek feedback, constantly striving to refine my skills and perspectives. By embracing these challenges head-on, I’ve become a more resilient and adaptable professional. This also applies to my writing career.

Being an author today is like running a business. How do you manage all your publicity, social media and keep your engagement up with readers Managing publicity and social media as an author is indeed like running a business, requiring constant attention and energy. While I’ve encountered challenges optimizing engagement, I’m actively seeking improvement. I’m exploring various strategies to connect with readers who share an interest in my writing, aiming for more meaningful interactions. I’m eager to learn and implement effective methods to maintain reader engagement while balancing other aspects of my life and authorship. Additionally, I’m open to insights and recommendations from experienced professionals. In this area, I am still learning and seeking input.

What do you find most fulfilling in the career that you’ve chosen? As an eye doctor and writer, I’ve discovered profound fulfillment in two diverse yet harmonious realms. For decades, the complexities of the human eye have captured me—the way they serve as windows to the soul, reflecting the intricacies of our existence. Each patient I encounter offers a unique narrative, their eyes revealing stories of resilience, joy, struggles, and longing.

In Southern California, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with a kaleidoscope of individuals, each with their own cultural and background weave. Through these interactions, I’ve learned to recognize the common language our eyes speak, reminding us that we are all members of the same human family despite our appearance, cultural, and discretionary differences.But my passion extends beyond the examination room. As I delved into the stories behind each pair of eyes, I felt a stirring within me—a desire to share these tales with the world.

Writing is more than just a craft; it’s a calling—a journey of exploration and compassion.With every word I pen, I aim to capture the essence of the human experience—to intertwine narratives that resonate with authenticity and depth. Through storytelling, I bridge the worlds of optometry and literature, each enriching the other in ways I never imagined possible.As an eye doctor and a writer, I find boundless inspiration—a reminder of the beauty and complexity that define our shared humanity. And with each passing day, my passion for these dual callings grows stronger, propelling me on a journey of discovery and connection.

Learn more about Eichin, her series, and all her books via her website.

Images Courtesy of Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim

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