Careers For Creatives?

Careers For Creatives?

Have you ever been told you should shy away from an industry because there is no future in it? More often than not, parents and caregivers have their child’s best interest at heart when they steer them from creative occupations and on to a more “stable” field. Or do they?

It’s interesting how creative people are never stifled. It doesn’t matter if your job is outside of what you might consider a “creative occupation” or if you spend most of your time wrangling family members and taking care of a household, you’ll find your way back. Whether you are creating in a side-hustle, spending your evenings writing the great American novel, dancing in a local theater or painting with your kids, creative people just have to have their outlet.

Because of this boomerang effect, it’s important to emotionally own this. What I mean is knowing that your trajectory is going to always guide you to your creative outlet—you need to own it.

Don’t let your emotions tell you that it isn’t. In other words, let go of the guilt you might feel if you are not turning this passion into a stable salary at the moment. You will if you really want to.

Don’t let others make you feel guilty for enjoying these pursuits. Don’t tell yourself that you should be cleaning the garage, answering emails or paying bills if you’re giving yourself an hour to paint. Remember, you’re creative and you can’t (and shouldn’t) repress this gift.

And don’t be afraid to call yourself a writer, a photographer, a painter, a knitter, a crafter, a ‘whatever’ you enjoy doing. Owning it helps you step into this space that is truly part of your genetic makeup. It’s also the first step towards your happiness—and success.

By embracing your creativity you are opening your heart and mind to the fact that you are here on this earth to create and inspire. You are a gift to this world. So get creating.

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