I Double Dog Dare You! To Write The Next Bestseller

I Double Dog Dare You! To Write The Next Bestseller

My first book was written on a dare. I always loved to write and had completed many short stories and little novellas but nothing really full on until I was double dog dared.

About 15 years ago, my best friend dared me to write a book. We were talking about our dreams, wishes and hopes for the future and I confessed to always wanting to write a book and step into the world of the author. Of course, I had many excuses why I didn’t have the time to pursue this passion, but my friend wouldn’t let it go.

“I dare you to write this book,” she’d said.

My first instinct was to share a million and one reasons why I couldn’t possibly, but she stopped me mid-excuse. “Come on, Kimberly. You can do this. I double dog dare you!”

It was just what I needed. I was dragging my feet on creating an entire project just because I didn’t believe I could do it. To hear that someone else believed in was pushing me to pursue my dream was inspiring. I accepted the challenge and within four months completed my first book. In fact, I received a call from American Girl regarding the draft I submitted to them and though they didn’t offer me a contract, they encouraged me to send them more.

That dare has paid off in more ways than one. Not because I wrote a bestseller (which I haven’t) but because I was inspired to believe in myself and start writing. Now it’s your turn. I double dog dare you.

What book is in you and dying to come out?

What is holding you back?

What do you need to do to get started writing it today?

Of course, we’re all busy. Heck, I took a seven-year hiatus from writing because work and family filled my schedule. But I’m back and I’ll always come back because I love to write.

So, what’s your why for writing?

What book craft support do you need to help this why become a what?

Share you vision, your goals and your why below. The Books Uplift community is here to support you and help you make your dreams, and best-seller, a reality!

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Website by John Wierenga