Captivated By His Countess

Captivated By His Countess

If youre a lover of historical romance, you need to add all the books by Kathy L. Wheeler to your shelf. Shes a talented author who writes mostly historical, but the span of her settings and plots ranges from the American West to Regency England.

Her upcoming release, Captivated by His Countess, is a spicy Regency Romance that keeps the reader turning pages.

Not only is there a blossoming love—and lust—between the hero and heroine who are forced into marriage, but they both share a passion for righting wrongs. They are on secret missions. James Winthrop, Earl of Huntley pursues one for the Crown, and Lady Gabriella Lynwood helps women whove been abused and turned out.

The irony unfolds as James notices his new, sassy, and defiant wife is pre-occupied and secreting herself around town. But Gabby is no fool. She knows her husband is on to her and counters his spying with some savvy stealth of her own. While the fun ensues, you wont lose sight of the importance, and daunting weight, of their personal crusades. Trust me, you, the reader, will root for Gabby as she works tirelessly to help innocents, and yes, hold their abusers accountable.

Onto the writing style. Wheeler is a master at her craft. She knows this period well, and its clear shes got a gift for wordsmithing. Simply put, her words paint a delightful picture.

Her laughter was as light as the bubbles in his champagne flute…”

Excitement unfurled like a blossom in early spring fed with sun and dew…”

She melted under his touch like a pot of butter in an Egyptian summer sun…”

But her prose isnt flowering or distracting. Rather its infused in a carefully crafted way that rounds out the edges and plucks a chord of deep resonance within the readers soul. A diametrical balancing of the romance blossoming between the protagonists and sobering reality of Gabby and Jamess quests.

Im also going to add a personal note to this review. Ive had the golden opportunity to meet, and get to know, Kathy Wheeler. Shes a mentor for me as Im digging deeper into the craft of writing. Not only is she a great storyteller, but a wonderful human being. Shes supportive and fun and has some of the best tales to share about her own authors journey.

If you ever get the chance to meet Kathy at a conference or book signing, do it! Its an encounter youll truly enjoy.

Image Courtesy of Kathy L. Wheeler

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2 Responses to Captivated By His Countess

  1. Kathy L Wheeler March 27, 2023 at 4:14 pm #

    Goodness, Kimberly, I couldn’t be more flattered! While people may think I’m fun, you, are the epitome of grace and goodwill. I expect great things from you. Thank you for the glowing review. I am touched beyond words.

  2. Kimberly Monaghan

    The Real Person!

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    March 29, 2023 at 9:17 am #

    Thank you so much, Kathy. What a honor it was to review your book and to meet you. Keep inspiring and keep sharing your wonderful stories!

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