Archive | 6 Picks

6 Picks: Books That Inspire Love

It’s that month when all the stores capitalize on the “lovely holiday,” Valentine’s Day. Of course, we all know St. Valentine’s Day didn’t stem from a grand love affair. Instead, it honors Christian martyr San Valentino, a defiant priest who disobeyed Roman law to help young lovers secretly wed. The dark history surrounding this day […]

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6 Picks: Books for a Happier Soul

The books that make you smile and give you hope are the very ones that uplift your soul. You know the ones, those you are happy to invest in, keep handy for a quick hit of inspiration, recommend to others, and often re-read. But individual “uplifting” is subjective and highly personal. What might be soul-inspiring […]

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6 Picks: Books That Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest

When impaired, don’t operate heavy machinery. When tired, you don’t operate—period! Well, you probably won’t feel like doing much, anyway. Nor will you give your best effort. You get the gist. Brain fog from lack of sleep is a serious epidemic. Disorders, illness, stress, anxiety, depression, technology, life changes, and transitions all negatively impact sleep. […]

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6 Picks: Books That Help You Take Back Your Power

A supervisor manages an obstinate subordinate.  A college student feels bullied by a peer. A professional works alongside a surly colleague.  A parent struggles to get support from their child’s teacher. Their roles and relationships may be different, but the challenge is the same—the feeling of helplessness. When you feel helpless it’s easy to become a […]

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Website by John Wierenga