800 Words or Less About Writing

800 Words or Less About Writing

Guest Post by Randy Lyman, The Purpose-Driven Leader

“Write a book,” they said. “It will be fun,” they said. Haaaa!

I had considered writing my first book for almost twenty years before I actually started. What an experience it turned out to be!

I had already experienced everything included in the book before I wrote out the words. However, by the time I had rewritten it seven or eight times, I had the chance to reexperience everything I included in the book at a deeper level.

What does that mean?

When I wrote about sending love to those who wrong us—a form of turning the other cheek—I had already been able to do that in several cases where I had been tested before, but not to the level I was tested during the last situation. Several people I know got together and decided to try to intimidate me to bend the rules of a group I am a part of in a way that served only them. Let’s say how they went about it was not honorable, and the depth of their distortions of the facts was astonishing. But, going back to my beliefs I was sharing in writing, I had to take many deep breaths, long walks, do EFT Tapping, and use several other techniques I include in the book to get through the reactivation of my unhealed emotional trauma that their words and actions brought up for me. In the end, I was able to get back to the original event of being lied to and cheated on in a business transaction many years ago and feel the pain of that original experience entirely so I could release it. And in a nutshell, that is my philosophy… Feel the old emotions that weren’t felt completely the first time and then let them go.

When we clear out our internal conflicts, the external conflicts usually magically solve themselves.

As much as I did not want to go through the experience (again) to get to the most profound pain from many years ago that some part of me was still hanging on to, in the end, I did feel so much better. Everyone I felt was attacking me melted and started being cooperative. Not because I tried to change them, but because I changed myself by living through what I was writing and working my way through what I had been holding on to.

That is one reason I love writing. It is not always fun, but it always helps me find mental clarity and work through any emotional baggage I still need to release.

Writing down my thoughts and beliefs in words leads me to more profound experiences and more clarity. I have been writing out my goals and concerns for so many years now that I don’t even remember exactly when I started the practice. Writing is one of the first things I recommend to anyone with challenges that may seem overwhelming. Writing down a list of challenges that turns out to be 23 things might seem daunting, but it is far more mentally draining to try to hang on to those thoughts in our memory and sort them out in our mind. Our imaginations ALWAYS take whatever challenges we are facing and blow them out of proportion—our imagination is designed to figure out how to make things bigger and more complicated than they already are (which can be helpful when writing fiction), and seldom fails to do just that with our challenges. Once we write out our list of concerns, our mind says, “I can handle this”, even if it is a big list.

There is no way I know of creating a perfectly smooth life without a few ups and downs.

Life is meant to be a happy experience, with some challenges and unexpected curveballs that we can learn from and that cause us to grow. Writing is one of my favorite ways to get closer to solutions and resolutions to life’s challenges.

As I wrapped up the book after four long years of writing and rewriting, I was so happy I took the time to give it the attention it deserved and allow myself to work through all the unresolved emotional memories the process brought up for me. I will always have more issues to work through, but I always have writing to help me find clarity while I share my experiences in this game of life on planet Earth, hoping my words can inspire others.

Randy Lyman, The Purpose-Driven Leader, is a physicist and exited founder who has redefined what it means to create purpose-driven success in the building and growth of his multiple seven-figure companies. Randy combines decades of experience in business with a deep commitment to fostering emotional intelligence and spiritual grounding. His upcoming book, The Third Element, due to be released on March 18, 2025, makes these complex concepts accessible and actionable.

Image Courtesy of Pexels – Mirosolav Stasevskij

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