Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand

Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand

Hands-down this is a must-read book if you are an entrepreneur, speaker, a sales and marketing professional, or anyone who wants to build their brand.

Its clear author Matthew Dicks is passionate about his argument, and just a few pages in you will have that ahamoment when you realize why. Stories do sell. No one wants to be bombarded with facts, figures, mechanics, and details, without a story sprinkled in. Not just for entertainment (although its important to keep your audience and clients attention) but to illustrate the why” you believe so strongly in what you do or what you are representing.

The book is a swift read, not because its short, but because its fascinating. It really makes you think about all the intrigue per se, you have at your fingertips. Repackaging and repurposing what you already have in your arsenal to elevate your brand and build connections is amazingly simple. But it takes planning and practice. And Dicks shows you how. Small honest and authentic recollections or experiences is all it takes to win over someone who might be on the precipice of a decision. This book is your how-to” on unearthing these gems and applying them appropriately when needed. Its another one of those incredible tools that cross your path and make you recognize the value in storytelling, a timeless art.

As you would imagine, this book is peppered with stories and personal anecdotes of Dicks’ life. He uses them to drive home points. I love a good origins story, and Dicks provides one sharing how he went from being a wedding DJ to a sought-after speaker and consultant and award-winning storyteller. But its clear hes genuine and presents his ideas without artifice or swarthy intent. He believes that being memorable and impactful” comes from taking risks and being vulnerable and willing to share your stories.

Book and Image Courtesy of New World Library

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