How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond

How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond

If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably familiar with this book by Cesar Millan, the best-selling author and star of Dog Whisperer on National Geographic. This is just one of his three most popular books that shares his training philosophy and animal behavioral prowess with pet lovers who desire to raise the “Perfect Dog.”

Being a lifelong dog owner and one who recently brought a rescue dog home, I thought I had it figured out. Not in the least.

While my dog isn’t a puppy, nor from a breeder, she’s still teachable and the advice in this book truly applies. I always enjoy reading a book cover to cover and have done just that with all Cesar’s books for each dog I’ve brought home. When a new dog arrives, out comes my stack of books.

But if you’re looking for dog training advice, you don’t need to read this (or any of his books) in their entirety, just the sections that apply. Still, even though my dog was pretty good with potty training when I brought her home, I read the chapter covering that challenge and found some apropos, and forgotten, advice.

What I like best about Cesar Millan is that his expertise is hard-won.

As an immigrant, he bonded first with dogs who he could communicate with easier than people who didn’t speak his native language. He shares specific stories about his process in understanding “doggy speak” and how that is the first and best language our pets appreciate. Connecting, Communicating, and Conditioning are his Three C’s formulating the foundation of success and I especially appreciate his dedication to championing a bond between owner and pet as that is the trust-based “pack mentality” that creates an environment for success.

I highly recommend all of Cesar Millan’s books and I also urge you to read them BEFORE you adopt or bring a dog into your life.

Why? Well, if you know what to expect you’re ahead of the game. And if you know what you need in advance, the process will be easier. And if you’re ready to start bonding and training from day one, you and your dog will thrive.

When it comes to the content of his books, his videos, website resources, and television show, he states it’s a team effort. He credits his co-author Melissa Jo Pettler, the countless veterinarians, behavioralists, supporters, dog lovers, and yes, the dogs in his life and at his training center for providing him with collective wisdom that he imparts in his books.

Source: Purchased. 

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