Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future that Awaits You

Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future that Awaits You

Grab your tissues. This book is an emotional rollercoaster. But it also promises joy. Imagine Heaven is written by Don Piper, who is a pastor and best-selling author of 90 Minutes in Heaven. In his book he shares stories of thousands of people who’ve had near-death experiences (NDE). Alongside these come his interpretations, advice of experts and scholars who’ve compared the accounts with Scripture, and suggestions for channeling all of this toward a better life—one filled with hope. It’s designed not only to assuage fears by providing first-hand accounts and answers about heaven, but to encourage readers to experience joy-filled peace when considering the afterlife.

This is a book designed around hope.

Death is never an easy topic to discuss or ruminate on. And the notion that there are people who’ve crossed that line and come back ready to share their experiences is both comforting and worth consideration, especially when biblical scholars and religious “experts” thread out scriptures that aligns with these personal accounts.

Certainly, you may feel that based on my synopsis, that this is nothing but a hoax—just another angle for a pastor to build a platform. But here’s the thing: the experiences shared by doctors, college professors, executives, people from all cultures and walks of life are eerily similar. And these people have nothing to gain from their telling. Or at least I don’t think there’s an ulterior motive. After all, their credibility and reputation is on the line.

Putting suspicions aside, it’s a well written collective coupled with thoughtful interpretations and yes, some supporting science. It’s a long book, but broken down into small, easy to read segments which makes it nice for a daily read. Imagine Heaven would also make a great book club pick, prompting dozens of questions for discussion.

I don’t know of another collection of startling and amazing witness testimonies out there.

So, for me, this was eye-opening. This book was given to me as a gift after my father had passed. I appreciated the gesture, but much time passed before I was ready to read it. I’m glad I did. And now I understand the impetus for it as a gift. It gave me hope.

Source: Gifted

Image: Courtesy of Baker Publishing Group 

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