Marked: Morningstar Academy Series Book Three

Marked: Morningstar Academy Series Book Three

Fantasy, mysticism, spirituality, and world building are just a few of the ingredients in this third installment of this series by USA Today Bestselling author L. R. W. Lee.

Fallen angel Gladriel is fighting ruthlessly to stop the world-ending prophecy. Vowing to protect humans from destruction, she, and her fellow castoffs, find it harder and harder to survive the opposing forces closing in around them. From the nefarious expectations of some of the leaders at Morningstar Academy, to the wayward souls theyve pledged to help, they seek revocation and guidance from the Almighty. But Glad” struggles with repentance. Choices shes made in the past have put her and her friends in jeopardy, but she doesnt regret the sacrifices shes made for love.

This is a beautiful book inside and out. Theres a little bit of everything in here—espionage, superheroes, time travel, romance, divine beings, the realms of Heaven and Hell. The artfully threaded history with pop culture and time-honored tales, Marked attracts the cross-genre reader or one with multifaceted interests. For those uncertain about fantasy, or any of the above-mentioned elements, give the Morningstar Academy Series a spin. Its both entertaining and educational and would appeal to young adult readers on up.

When I received this gift, I was disappointed to learn it was the third in the series and Id have to navigate my way without the backstory. But alas, I was wrong. The author included A Refresher” or bulleted history from the previous volumes and quickly brought me up to speed. And, the story includes well-crafted nods to the series peppered throughout, so it didnt take me long to fall into the tale and fall in love with these cleverly crafted characters.

Image and Book Courtesy of PR By the Book

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