Meet Ruby, by Books Uplift Host Kimberly

Meet Ruby, by Books Uplift Host Kimberly

We rescued Ruby twice.

In search of a companion for our beloved Melbourne, we found this precocious Corgi/Dachshund mix on Craigslist. We wanted to get a smaller dog, as we just said goodbye to our little dachshund Bogart, and so we went in search at all the local shelters. After weeks of trying, we found a post for a dog needing a home. The family was moving out of state,” the notification explained, and they couldnt take their dog. All they asked in return was a rehoming fee.”

Now, this was years ago, and yes, naivety and blind adoration drove me to make this call, but I made my husband leave work to go with me and Melbourne to meet Ruby. When we connected with the owners,” I saw a dog that had not been cared for. Ruby was covered in filth, and her hair was ragged, unruly, and longer than her feet! Without another word, we paid the fee, wrapped her in a blanket, and drove straight to our vet. By the time she arrived at our home (Mellie didnt want to even look at her the whole drive), she was examined, groomed, and given the necessary treatments to ensure she was healthy.

It was at this point things went even more haywire.

I couldnt reach the owners, who claimed they accidentally” forgot her vet records. I spent the next 24 hours calling every veterinarian in that region, and a couple of days into my search, I had success. Not only was I able to secure her records, but I learned shed been adopted” by the scammers who sold” her to us. The veterinarian connected me with her original owner, a sweet woman who I got to know over several calls. She was getting on in years and could no longer care for her dog. She put out a local ad, and well, you know the rest.

The good news is that Ruby landed in the best of forever homes, and her original owner was reassured and forever grateful. I also discovered our rescues birth name was Reba (note the red hair). But by this time, she was Ruby to us and continued to live up to her name—a precious little gem with a fiery spirit.

While Im thrilled we brought Ruby into our lives—and after a few days, Melbourne was too—conduct your due diligence. Theres a lot of scammers out there and cruel people looking to make a buck. Foolish indeed and blinded by compassion, I realized fate had a hand in this rescue. While Ruby is no longer on this earth, she made a faithful and fun furry companion for thirteen years. We miss her terribly.

My eternal gratitude to all who adopt. Kimberly

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