Rocked By Grace

Rocked By Grace

Book one in the Love and Chaos series by bestselling author M. J. Schiller is a fantastically fun romantic romp for readers with crushes on bad boy rockstars. Zane Sanders is following in the footsteps of the great Bruce Springsteen when he plucks an unsuspecting fan out of the audience during his concert. Grace Prescott immediately arrested his attention and after surprising both with this uncharacteristic move, Zane realizes fate had stepped in. Shes the woman that not only turns his head but captures his heart.

I love it when two unlikely matched characters unite.

A road-hard rocker and a shy, but resilient single mom makes for a great meet cute” and opposites attract trope. Author M. J. Schiller has an extensive list of sexy romances to indulge in, some stand-alone novels and several series that will keep you hooked. If youre a fan of happily ever-after with heat and three-dimensional characters that you will fall in love with, then Rocked By Grace is your next escape read.

Final note on the author’s style. It’s clear to me that M.J. Schiller is a master of her craft. She weaves a story that swiftly draws you in and makes you fall in love with her deeply dimensional characters. Don’t let the premise fool you. This is a book with depth and details that makes you believe that not matter what life hands you, love is possible!

Book and Image Courtesy of M. J. Schiller

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