Writer’s Corner: Five Ways Social Media Can Negatively Impact Authors 

Writer’s Corner: Five Ways Social Media Can Negatively Impact Authors 

The other day I was reading an article about cars and saw a response from an author. Her response was a post ranting and filled with expletives about her dissatisfaction with a purchase. Of course, it got a lot of traction. Not only did the author leave a permanent bruise on her reputation, but so did the dealers representative who responded with such a caustic and insulting tone that I would be surprised if both still had jobs let alone anyone left in their fanbase.

This is the perfect example of why you may want to reconsider your relationship with social media. Sure, it gives you a spike of dopamine-infused fun. And in the publishing industry its a necessary evil.

Still, if youre not careful, here are five ways it could negatively impact you:

Impacting Health. Just about every news channel has broadcasted an episode on the negative impact social media has on mental health. The unattainable (and unrealistic) images and expectations can challenge even the most confident and successful individual. Imposter and not good enough” syndrome causes mood swings, depression, and anxiety—especially in youth, vulnerable, sensitive, and yes, creative individuals.

Derailing Opportunity. A while back, I found a great article on self-publishing and wanted to share it online. Thankfully, I scrolled down through it  before posting. Attached to the bottom of the article were 45 pages of complaints from authors about traditional publishers. Wow! I assume none of those authors ever want to be traditionally published. Engaging in inciteful commentary, responding to negative prompts, or lashing out to criticism can hurt your author brand. Lesson? Share your concerns or frustrations verbally within a trust circle. Remember, whatever you say online leaves a footprint.

Losing Loves. I recently heard that in 60% of the divorce cases filed last year, social media was cited as one of the issues. Evidently, Liking” photos, Friending,” following Twitter accounts, and basically chatting up other people on social media is in some cases causing a major rift in relationships. Yes, you need to be present as an author and communicate with fans, but make sure you prioritize. Life is short and social media will always be there, so put the phone down and make time for those you love.

Fueling Misery. If your day is ruined by what someone writes on your wall, or an angry Tweet or Instagram post, then you need to disengage from social media more often. Not only will it make you feel better, but it will boost your career mood not to hang on every negative written word. If you spend hours scrolling Facebook, then youre missing out on a life. Experiment with social media fasts, or if you can afford it, hire a social media assistant to do the scrolling and posting for you. Youll probably feel more rested as youre not up all night worrying about something youve read. Youll also find yourself in better spirits and more creatively inclined.

Wasting Time. You dont need me to tell you social media, television, and online shopping make great distractions. But talk about time wasters. If you can block out certain hours to spend on these pursuits—and stick to your limits, youll free up more time for whats important—family, friends, fitness, and yes, writing your next bestseller. Hey, we all fall victim to distraction, but when it impedes your progress, or negatively impacts you in other ways, its time to get serious about positive change.

Youre on this site to be uplifted, right? So, Im not going to let you go without a handful of ideas to move past the derailing” and onto a healthier relationship with social media.

Check out these great articles for ideas and inspiration:

5 Ways to Make Your Social Media Experience Happier 

How Social Media Can Make You Happier

How To Keep Social Media A Happy Place

9 Mindful Social Media Practices That Will Make You a Happier Person

I hope this article provided you with a few applicable ideas. I would be honored if you shared this on social media. And speaking of sharing, please share your own ideas and experiences below. Together, we can build an uplifting community that focuses on supporting each other’s happiness, wellbeing, creativity, and success.

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