Fear No Truth: A Faith McClellan Novel

Fear No Truth: A Faith McClellan Novel

Texas Ranger, Faith McClellan is getting the ‘new girl’ treatment from her boss—light casework, coffee runs and lots of paper pushing. Disgruntled but not dismayed, Faith believes that her father, the Governor, has wielded his power to once again shelter her from the dangerous cases she lives to solve.

But when a young girl’s body is found on the shore of Lake Travis, Faith can’t walk away. For starters, she’s not convinced this is simply a tragic suicide. It’s murder. And her instincts scream this tragedy is linked to another unsolved crime that’s haunted her and her mentor, Boone.

Defying orders, she takes a personal leave and helps Graham, her former partner from the local force, look into this case. They soon discover the affluent community from which this young victim hails is not as polished and pristine as it seems. In fact, it’s peppered with lies, secrets and danger parading in broad daylight.

As Faith, Graham and Boone wrangle out potential suspects they realize that poking this hornet’s nest is proving to be dangerous and even deadly. And there’s too much power woven in it and too many secrets threatened to be exposed if they continue to pursue the truth. But the truth will come at a cost.

Fear No Truth is an awesome mystery by Lyndee Walker that’s filled with characters and protagonists you immediately fall in love with.

Faith is an incredibly deep heroine, fighting multiple battles in her career, her personal life, her past and her relationships. I’m amazed she can stay upright with all that she’s carrying. Still, it doesn’t deter her from taking risks to do what’s right. You’ll find that incredibly appealing as so many career-driven women face that head-on.

And here’s another interesting element: Density. While the murder Faith pursues seems textbook at first, she uncovers layer after layer of deception, brutality and psychological evil. This is a multi-layered mystery woven into a fantastic plot.

If you are looking for a read that will keep you mesmerized and on the edge of your seat, Fear No Truth, or any book by Lyndee Walker, will provide just the rich reward  you seek. Happy Reading!

Image Courtesy of Severn River Publishing

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