Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

Heres a success tool for everyone who desires to solidify new habits and learn to reprogram the mind toward happiness. Thats not a pitch—its a fact. This book by Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D., is an easy-to-follow handbook on how the brain works to harness happiness.

Ive read many books on the science of happiness, but many were confusing or bogged down with medical terminology to the point where it better served as a sleep aid. This book is straightforward and easy to follow and doesnt claim to be anything more than what the title promises.

And it delivers.

Dr. Breuning explains the chemicals your brain produces when you feel good. Then, she goes on to share how these can both work for you and against you. Next, she provides strategies for finding the right balance that aligns with the healthy new” habits you seek. Pairing simple science with strategy results in that Ah-ha” moment youve been searching for—cue the dopamine release!

I found it fascinating to learn how quickly our brains manifest neural pathways that last a lifetime (unless retrained). Spending time reflecting on memories that correlate with why I do what I do and what I want to enhance or avoid was a powerful exercise. Understanding and change become easier once you get the why, how, what, and when of your habituated actions. She cites numerous examples of the non-human world, which can be challenging to understand regarding human-mammal correlation. However, she is a well-traveled expert in the field, a docent at the Oakland Zoo, and a prolific author and founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, so on some level, that makes sense.

Habits of a Happy Brain is a must-read, starting with the informative introduction—a capstone primer.

The book is then divided into chapters, beginning with Your Inner Mammal,” teaching you basic biochemistry in a simple, understandable format (nice for us non-scientists!). Then, she explains how to create new habits for each happy chemical,” complete with an action plan, tools, and resources. I took copious notes and went back and re-read my highlights so I could put them into action. I mean, who doesnt want to have a happy brain?

If youre like me and love personal improvement strategies, this book is a must-read. I would also recommend this shared in classrooms, organizations, non-profits, and especially working with individuals in the mental health and service industry. Understanding the why we do” and the how to better” is everything. Dr. Breunings book unlocks those secrets. In my opinion, it is the ultimate happy hormone handbook!

Source and Image: Simon and Schuster and Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D.

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