Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma

Indestructible: The Hidden Gifts of Trauma

When it comes to uplifting books, Indestructible by Krista Nerestant challenges you to dig deep into the emotional baggage holding you back and encourages you to come out stronger than ever before.

Filipino-American, Nerestant is a ‘natural born medium’ and had always been encouraged to keep this side of her hidden. But in time, she answered the call to identify herself as a healer and through opening her business ‘Self-ish Lifestyle,’ she embraced her gifts and blossomed as she stepped out into the world as a spiritual medium. Despite the naysayers, she forged ahead but she was not able to do so without first addressing her own trauma and pain.

This is where her story begins.

And through it, she shares the horrors of living with an abusive father. Even though her mother tried to take most of the harsh treatment to protect her children, Krista was not spared. The horrors of her punishment from her father ranged from branding her hands with a hot poker, being physically abused and forced to watch her mother take his brutal beatings. Eventually, her mother fled her family to live in America with her sister where she would strive to build a home that she could bring her children to. But before that could happen, Krista became her father’s favorite which created resentment and hate amongst her siblings, tearing the family completely apart.

Despite the trauma, there is light, which makes this an exceptional story for all readers.

But I would imagine women would especially find it inspiring. Krista uses the phrases ‘traumatized overachiever’ and I know she shares this identity kinship with many. History is rife with individuals working themselves to death only to escape real abuse, memories and ingrained trauma that has conditioned them into believing they will never be good enough, never find freedom.

In Krista’s case, she finally emerges from her dark past when she embraces her true identity and understands why she has been so scarred for so long. And she discovers that being an empathetic person who absorbs and feels others trauma, pain, joy, emotions and energy is not strange or ‘weird’ but rather a gift. When she learned through coaching how to control her ability to connect with the spiritual world, she fully embraced her gift and was able to channel it to helping others overcome trauma and live full and healthy lives once again.

Source: PR By the Book

Images Courtesy of PR By the Book

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