Juror #3

Juror #3

As part of his collaborative series, James Patterson partners with attorney Nancy Allen to create a legal mystery entitled Juror # 3. This book set in the rural south introduces Ruby Bozarth, a newly minted attorney and graduate of Ole Miss with a track record of mostly non-juried guardianship cases. When she’s assigned as defense in a murder trial, Ruby’s terrified at first but the sexist and condescending comments from the local AG fires her determination and grit. Despite her inexperience, she’s on a mission to exonerate her client from the charges he was wrongly accused of.

It’s a fun mystery with the spotlight squarely focused on the amazing cast of characters. Ruby’s challenge of overcoming her inexperience and building a professional reputation, not to mention a salary, drops her squarely in the middle of a mix of colorful characters. These include her well-healed ex-boyfriend with a penchant for trouble, a tough-talking mentor that helps her overcome her insecurities, and the local diner’s cook who not only has his finger on the pulse of the town, but his sights set on Ruby.

I couldn’t have dreamt of blogging about my meeting with Mr. Patterson and not reviewing one of the dozens of his books that I’ve read. Juror #3, The President is Missing (his collaboration with Bill Clinton), and The Black Book (with David Ellis) are just a few of my favorite reads from the number one bestselling author of all time.

Image courtesy of Hatchette Book Group

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