Maggie Dew Drop: The Feather Of Flight

Maggie Dew Drop: The Feather Of Flight

‘Enchanting’ is the word best used to describe the beautiful images portrayed in this picture book by G. Wayne Mello. The soft and inviting art marries sweetly with the gentle charms of the main character, Maggie Dew Drop, and her new nocturnal family.

“Stars wink. Especially to those who dream.”

This is a story about a little mouse who’s adopted by a family of bats. But like all little ones, Maggie Dew Drop is curious and longs to explore beyond the safety of her family’s tree. One night she wishes upon ‘two stars’ that she could have wings to fly. While her wish isn’t granted, something magical happens sending Maggie Dew Drop upon an unexpected adventure.

Maggie Dew Drop is the perfect bedtime tale about the importance of extending care to others, finding family in friendship, and never losing sight of your dreams.


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