Purpose, Passion and Pajamas: How to Transform Your Life, Embrace the Human Connection, and Lead with Meaning

Purpose, Passion and Pajamas: How to Transform Your Life, Embrace the Human Connection, and Lead with Meaning

This is a book birthed from all three aforementioned items—Purpose, Passion and Pajamas. Written by Genevieve M. Piturro, it shares the story of how in her search for more, she found her purpose by fueling her passion to help children in need.

It all began one day at her apartment in New York City. As she looked around at her blessed life she wondered, “If this is my life for the next 30 years, is it enough?” The answer was a resounding “no.”

She needed more and that need translated into giving more.

Discovering so many children were separated from their families or living in poverty Piturro felt compelled to help in some small (and soon to be big) way. She started  by reading to children at local shelters. Then wanting to give them something comforting in their new surroundings, and knowing the children had very few possessions, she donated warm pajamas for them to wear at night. The need grew along with Piturro’s donations. Soon the clamoring for pajamas skyrocketed into her building a charity that not only answered a physical need but an emotional one.

The program’s success reinforced Piturro’s belief that pajamas provided an emotional warmth that is missing in so many children’s lives. As way of example, she shares the story of how one little boy was hording several donated pjs so that his sister, soon to be released from the hospital, would have something soft and warm to wear when she came home. And when Oprah and other celebrities got involved, the program gained national awareness and created a platform for change that she couldn’t have predicted. She goes on to share how much her newfound purpose changed her life for the better, but more importantly positively impacted those in need.

If you’ve ever wondered about your purpose in life, this is the book to read.

It makes you think deeply about your own gifts and how those can be shared with others. Her journey from being an observer of other’s struggles to be a catalyst of positive change is something we can all learn from. It only takes one small step and one act of kindness. This inspiring book is one that all ages can learn from and take away powerful life lessons.

But the impact doesn’t end there. Piturro’s personal journey to discovering her passion and building a national nonprofit, the Pajama Program, also honed her leadership skills. She shares that powerful connection between helping others and leading others and how much that is often overlooked.

“We all need a mission statement that inspires us,” she shares. “It should be personal, something that resonates with our heart and brings us back to our path when doubts and fears pull us off center.”

Whether it’s success or purpose you seek, this book has something for everyone. A heart-warming journey that encourages an honest look in the mirror is a tale worth telling and Piturro has done a successful job with her book.

Image Courtesy of Greenleaf Book Group

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