Tag Archives | cookbook

The Iberian Table: Healthy Cooking Secrets from the Land of Longevity

Behold, Robin Keunke’s book is one of the most intriguing cookbooks I’ve ever read. Not that I’ve read many cookbooks. Because you don’t really read cookbooks—mostly, you reference them. Not The Iberian Table. This book contains recipes, interviews, history, tales, travel tips, health and medical insights, and the most significant resource guide. The Iberian Table starts […]

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The MILF Diet: Let the Power of Whole Foods Transform Your Body, Mind, and Spirit…Deliciously

Wow! What a name. If you don’t get the innuendo, Google it or watch “American Pie,” because I’m not going there. But I will tell you this is a book that promises a body like no other, if you focus on the plant-based diet touted within. Author, Jessica Porter, is a macrobiotic chef, cooking instructor, […]

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