Tag Archives | Inspiration

Read for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Imagine if your hobby supported a charity. Opportunities to contribute through childcare, coaching, gardening, cooking, and other leisure activities have significantly improved non-profits’ bottom lines. But reading? Yup. Thanks to The Ronald McDonald House® Charities, reading for contributions is the latest trend hitting schools in the Capital Region of Albany, New York. This fall, they’re […]

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Author Q&A With Ann Crawford

Ann Crawford is and author and award-winning documentary filmmaker. She accompanied a group of vets back to Viet Nam and filmed them doing humanitarian work, returning to their Areas of Operation, and healing their wounds of war. A few years later, she traveled around the world and interviewed people from all walks of life—heads of […]

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All That Really Matters

Dr. Joe Bosco is at the top of his game. A successful transplant who’s fulfilling his father’s wish for him to be an even bigger success. A tall order. His father, “the original Dr. Bosco,” the president of Tulane University, Nobel prize winner, and successful biotech engineer, stands on the principle that second place is […]

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Written In the Stars: The Astrology of Soulmate, Karmic, and Twin Flame Relationships

This is a fascinating read. I don’t know much about astrology or birth charts, and like many others, I am uncertain how reading these tools provides answers. But this book by Kate Rose breaks through the confusion and esoteric notions and, yes, infuses logic into this approach. This book focuses on relationships and explores how […]

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The Best Podcasts for Authors and Writers

Authors and writers have historically been lifelong learners. We love reading, attending conferences, actively engaging in writers’ groups, and immersing ourselves in traditional and non-traditional training programs. But if you’re looking for something “newish” in the professional development arena that you can enjoy just about anywhere and anytime, look no further than podcasts. And boy, […]

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6 Reasons to Start a Journal

You might call it a planner, a task-keeper, a thought jotter, or yes, even a diary. However you reference it, this handheld log is a journal in some form. Many use it to take notes from books, meetings, and training, while others use it to compile goals, lists, and to-dos. Others tend to write and […]

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Website by John Wierenga