This is a light-hearted success book by life coach Peggy Caruso. The overall theme is positive relationships and what to do to repair and mend those that are broken and build the ones that will support you, care for you and inspire your success. Caruso addresses everything from marriage to children to careers and health. She shares guidelines on how you, the reader, can better all areas of your life when, and if, you’re willing. And when the time is right, she challenges you to “take the first shot.” This is her key phrase for radically stepping into transformative change. But while this may seem daunting, she shares the one or two steps that can be taken that lead to a ripple effect of positive turnaround.
There’s a lot of humor and you can see Caruso’s quirky and light-hearted approach to life throughout her book. That makes it a fun and easy read.
Yet, despite her engaging tone, she continuously reinforces the idea that you are in control. If you want a better life, then it is up to you. And she provides in each chapter, designated by key areas of your life, how to go about making real changes and why it is critical to do so. There are exercises and anecdotes to reinforce the process of transformation, but overall, that is the key. If you want to develop a better life and have more impactful and healthier relationships, then Caruso’s challenge to Take the First Shot begins with reading this book.
Source: Smith Publicity
Cover Courtesy of Smith Publicity
I’ll have to get this! I’m really enjoying the Zoomcasts!