The Code, the Evaluation, the Protocols: Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human

The Code, the Evaluation, the Protocols: Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human

You probably know by now how much I love a book that gets you up out of bed and fired up for a day of success. Leave it to a Navy Seal to make that happen. I’ve been fortunate to have had a little interaction with Jocko Willink and the team at Echelon Front in my professional career, so, it will come as no surprise that his books are often featured in the “Success” list on Books Uplift.

Willink’s book The Code, the Evaluation, the Protocols is typical of his “in-your-face” writing style, this time addressing the topic of personal and professional goal attainment. Co-authored by Dave Berke and Sarah Armstrong, The Code challenges you to deeply explore your true goals and how you define success, whether it’s becoming a better parent or excelling in your profession; they can be attained with daily discipline. The way an individual goes about their day, sets high performance goals and conducts themselves around others all contributes to achieving desired outcomes. This book provides the reader with clear strategies, tactics, and tools to ensure success.

Willink goes into what doesn’t work and why people fall off the path. He discusses how to avoid letting others derail you and avoid self-sabotage. I especially appreciated “The Evaluation” system, and you will too. Instead of leaving the reader hanging with a list of “should-do’s” Willink provides a straightforward grading system for measuring success on your journey to becoming an eminently qualified human being. His personal success protocols translate nicely to the average person who wants more out of life and is frustrated with lack of success. He shares how to define your success path and how to stay on that path with high-caliber motivational techniques and strategies for realizing personal excellence.

Source: Purchased

Image Courtesy of Jocko Publishing


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