Why Book Conferences Are Worth The Investment

Why Book Conferences Are Worth The Investment

You don’t need me to tell you that conferences are invaluable. Knowing that, take this conference boost as a gentle reminder.

Whenever I attend a conference, I’m energized, inspired, rife with new ideas, and overflowing with amazing connections. Conferences are not just about learning the craft or having a favorite book signed by the author. While those are valuable takeaways, there are lots of other reasons why you should attend conferences focused on writing and books.

Here are a few of mine: 

  • Finding your “peeps”—those who “get you!”
  • Meeting new writing buddies and accountability peers
  • Honing your craft through learning from the experts
  • Building your knowledge of the publishing industry
  • Finding critique partners who can help you polish your work
  • Getting to pitch to agents and publishers
  • Gaining some serious momentum and inspiration

Now that you’re pumped to attend a conference, which one should you invest in? Good question. Some are certainly highbrow literary, where others are a romping good time. If I could attend all the ones that I’d like to, I would be traveling around the world every week. Since that isn’t possible, especially if I want to get any work done, I’ve selected a few that I’ve attended.

I’ve also added a few that I’d like to attend to the list below. 

It doesn’t stop here. Let me know what conferences you love and why. Let’s make this page a resource of sharing, learning, and uplifting each other through books!

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