Finding Clarity: How compassionate accountability builds vibrant relationships, thriving workplaces, and meaningful lives.

Finding Clarity: How compassionate accountability builds vibrant relationships, thriving workplaces, and meaningful lives.

Finding Clarity by Marc Lesser is all about increasing self-awareness and interpersonal skills so one can live, and lead, with more depth, compassion, and effectiveness.

Marc has decades of experience that he lived and practiced” in preparation of writing this book.

Director of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, MBA, and CEO of three companies, including a leadership role with Google, are just a few highlights on his resume. He expresses that his life work is to engage with the life-changing practices presented in this book and to convey them in accessible and actionable ways in the workplace and in all aspect of our lives.” Marcs compassionate awareness of his reader, no matter who they may be, or where they are in their life, makes him an ideal guide on ones transformational journey. Finding Clarity not only provides a foundational opportunity for growth, but a companionable guide for successfully navigating ones personal and professional pursuits.

Marc has coined the term compassionate accountability” as the key to unlocking clarity. He defines how the two terms, which may initially seem incongruent, join in unique ways, raising the stakes from simple awareness to honest examination of perspectives, building collaboration and trust then embarking on transformative action.

Ive read more than my share of self-help and mindful leadership books.

Each time I start a new one, I search for unique approaches to living a happier and more successful life. Many times, Im disappointed in the regurgitation of the same principles. But not with Finding Clarity. Its been said that “when the student is ready, the teacher will come.” I opened this book at a time in my life when I truly needed clarity. I needed to understand why I was engaging in a cycle of thoughts and behaviors that werent serving me, but rather sending me off course.

Halfway through the Introduction” I realized something—my deep-set beliefs around challenges and conflicts were heightening my anxiety and clouding my judgment.

Yes, I hadnt even finished the first fifteen pages when I had an ah-ha moment. So, I kept reading, studying, note-taking, and experimenting. There are several models and tools presented within this book that have been incredibly helpful to me and I would imagine most readers. But its not only about the methodology, its about the mindset. Learning to let go of behaviors and attitudes that are not serving me, only hurting me (and others) takes courage. Marc explains that re-prioritizing what should matter, exploring obstacles and conflicts deeply and without judgment, managing expectations and practicing new approaches is a hard-won endeavor. Its okay to fail, it’s okay to pause, its okay to be. These, and other gentle reminders and imparted wisdom, make this book a must for readers seeking a more harmonious way of living.

Book and Image Courtesy of New World Library

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