Occupational success requires the best tools and resources. This is also true for authors and writers. Though you may be thinking all that’s really required is a pen and paper, and while technically that is true, writing an article, blog, or novel you’ll need a few more tools to get it “write.” Sources: For instance, […]
Archive | Book Craft
Writer’s Corner: How Archetypes Give Characters Dimensionality
We all embody a multitude of archetypes. From goddess, to mother, to wizard in the kitchen, and onto storyteller at bedtime. Perhaps you liken yourself more to a scholar than writer, pioneer at work, avenger when volunteering, and diplomat with friends. The list goes on and on to what monikers you embody and what you […]
Start With Your “Why?”
Go back. Way back. Back to the day you decided you were going to write a novel. Why did you make that promise to yourself? Did you think, “How hard can this be?” Did you want to become famous? Did you covet J. K. Rowling’s lifestyle? Did you want bragging rights? BUZZ! Wrong answer. Though admittedly, […]
Stepping Into the Negative Space
From posting your child’s graduation picture on Facebook, to sharing a business win on LinkedIn, there will be backlash. Whatever the reason, social media invites negativity. Thoughtless commentary and hurtful, snarky remarks go hand in hand with stepping into the social media space. Now, imagine this from the author’s perspective. Readers are very interested in “seeing” you, hearing […]
Writer’s Corner: Resources for Developing Character Archetypes
A reader doesn’t need to like all the characters in your book, but they want to understand what makes them tick. They want to learn more about them. They want to know what motivates them. They want to follow them on their journey. They want to see them evolve and realize their arc. And when […]
When I Finally Called Myself a “Writer”
While my full-time job is not in the writing world, thankfully, it does provide a plethora of options to scratch this creative itch—writing books, articles, and posts. But here I am, in my side hustle as “a creative writer.” Yes, I have had some luck getting published, but it was long before that success that […]