Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success

Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success

This is a book that everyone who prioritizes success should have on their bookshelf and refer to on a regular basis. What I like best about this book, by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, is that it’s all about the little nuances that we take for granted that can make powerful differences in your personal and professional life.

Hewlett shares a story of when a CEO was asked what executive presence is and said, “I can’t describe it, but I sure know it when I see it.” This is what compelled her to write this book. In her words, and simply put, executive presence is the heady combination of confidence, points, and authenticity that convinces the rest of us that we’re in the presence of someone who’s the real deal. It’s the quality that causes others to judge one as a born leader.

But it’s not only that undefinable je ne sais quoi that makes up executive presence.

Hewlett shares some of the qualities and behaviors include continually surrounding yourself with people who are “better than you” so that you’re always raising your own bar. Also, sticking to what you know, showing humility, smiling more and empowering others are a few more of the distinctive characteristics of executive presence.

This is what makes this a must read for those interested in making a positive impression—but aren’t we all? If you have success as a goal, these nurtured qualities will elevate your chances and shorten your timeline.

Source: Purchased

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