The Bad Seed

The Bad Seed

We’ve all been bad seeds. Sometimes words hurt us. Some days we feel alone. Sometimes we feel like failures. And somehow we all make mistakes. And sometimes it just feels good to be bad.

A little sunflower seed is the star of this book by Jory John and illustrated by Pet Oswald. This seed shows us what it’s like to be baaaaaaaad. But just like us, this little one recognizes that while in the moment being naughty may feel good, it’s a lonely place to be. Being known as a ‘bad seed’ isn’t very fun and it’s certainly not sustainable. So he changes his tune. While he’s not perfect, he just keeps trying and even finds joy in his small efforts.

Okay, this is a tried and true tale spun in many different ways and tomes, but you have to love it. This clever little book is sweetly illustrated and vibes that children (of all ages) will enjoy the delivery of the message—trust me I tried it out on a few with notable results. Hypothesis proven: It makes you smile. Since the metaphor is familiar, now you can link it to the little seed who’s learned the meaning of self-forgiveness, grace, transformation and persistence—something we can all benefit from.


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