The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good

The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good

Many professionals will experience a time in their lives when they wonder if they are on the right path. And every one of us will face a moment when we question our contributions and worth. To help find the answer to these questions and more, author and CEO Rha Goddess steps in with her latest book, The Calling.

The Calling challenges your thinking around the idea that it’s either, or. That you need to sacrifice doing what you love in order to succeed. When you move past the idea that thriving in your personal and professional endeavors will not pay your worth or will come at great sacrifice, you are opening yourself up to the challenge presented in this book of letting go of expectations and realizing your true potential.

“Everyone of us has a calling. No matter who you are and where you came from.”

Rha Goddess teaches you how to find your calling and make good money while still staying true to your deepest values and core beliefs. The six steps she outlines, coupled with actual case studies, shows you how to change your reality and capitalize on your authentic gifts. And at the same time, she demonstrates how your true calling can contribute to the greater good. Don’t be fooled by the notion this is simply a flip of the switch process. Rather, it begins with a deep shift in your thinking and releasing your grip on victimhood. She challenges you to directly confront your limiting behaviors and beliefs and take responsibility for your future.

“Accepting responsibility for your core limiting beliefs and the way they color your perception and experiences is absolutely essential to staying true to who you are and pursuing your calling.”

The Calling is a dense book, with incredibly valuable content. It’s not a book designed to inspire you with a quick read, rather it’s like a handbook for life. I read it through once, then have been slowly reading it a second time, making copious notes and challenging myself to put into practice her wisdom. The writing is rich with honesty and grit and peppered with real examples of how she’s lived this process and successfully shepherded her clients through it as well. Goddess’s teachings are exactly what we’ve been looking for to help us get past ourselves and away from societal expectations and into a more honest relationship with ourselves. Once there, we can step back with an expectation of greater earning potential, a sense of purpose and contribution and a warming sense of professional peace.

Cover Image Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press

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