The Princess Who Loved Hot Chocolate

The Princess Who Loved Hot Chocolate

Sounds like the title of my next picture book. And maybe it is. Stay tuned.

But let’s look at the logic of this statement. It really hits the target on just how many of us—real-life princesses and princes—love a good hot chocolate as a celebratory elixir.

But as Simon Sinek would ask, “What’s Your Why?”

Wait, what do I mean by this?

“The WHY is the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us,” according to Sinek. So I would like to toss out the question to you. In that moment, what is your “Why?”

Think about it. Every time hot chocolate is served, it’s typically at a very fairytale moment in the day. It might be before bedtime fueling visions of sugarplums or on a snowy afternoon after a magical morning of sledding and skating. Or your hot chocolate may be the turn around for a bad day at work, sharing a dreamy moment with that special someone in your life.

Let’s be honest; hot chocolates are often reserved for special times and can truly “turn a frown upside down.” Yes, I guess you could say the same for a glass of vino too.

Yes, there is something magical about a treat.

So what is your “why?” Are you racing through the moment so fast that you’re missing the context and the point? Has the endeavor become so diluted (point intended) that you’ve forgotten to use the trigger of hot chocolate (insert your favorite elixir here) as a way to stop and reflect on “why” you’re on this path?

I’ll toss in a metaphorical story here.

I once knew a princess who loved hot chocolate so much that she decreed nothing else would be served in her kingdom except for hot chocolate. Her favorite treat reminded her of special times she’d spent with her father, the king, celebrating a day of hard labor. Yes, both king and princess worked side by side helping the people of their kingdom during harvests and holidays.

It also was a treat that she shared with the children, when she visited in the royal hospital. It uplifted their spirits. It was also a treat her mother would give the princess whenever she felt down. Though the queen was no longer of this earth, a good hot chocolate reminded the princess to be courageous and strong.

Every time the princess indulged in hot chocolate she was reminded of what was important in life and to celebrate it often. It also reminded her why she got up each day and led her kingdom towards prosperity and happiness.

Since hot chocolate made her so happy, the princess decided her subjects would feel the same way. Her “Why?” became everyone’s. If hot chocolate always made her happy, then her subjects would be happy, too!

But after months and months of decreeing that nothing but hot chocolate be served, the warm brew lost its luster. It was no longer a treat, but a daily tonic drunk morning, noon and night. And everyone knows you can’t have magical adventure all day every day.

The royal subjects didn’t feel honored, in fact, they felt sick. Sick of hot chocolate, sick of the princess making them follow in her footsteps. This sickness led to dissention, and soon there was a revolt. Hot chocolate had lost its “Why?”

So, the princess retracted her decree and reinstated another. Hot chocolate was to be enjoyed during a magical advent, whether that be upon a trip to a far off kingdom, riding an elephant, climbing a mountain, skating on a frozen pond, walking a precious pet, celebrating a holiday, enjoying time with friends and family, or simply reading a good book. From now on, it would be deemed a special treat!

The moral of this story? Take a beat when you enjoy your next hot chocolate (insert your favorite exiles here) and savor the moment. Grab your journal and answer the following questions:

Why am I important?

Why am I loved?

What do I deserve out of life?

Why am I celebrating?

Why am I taking this moment for myself?

What’s my “Why?”

Why am I on this path?

How will I make today special?

Then go on, get out there, and live on purpose. Tell the most important people in your life that you love them. Most importantly, find, and celebrate, a fairytale moment in each day.

Life is too short not to enjoy a little hot chocolate.

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