The Procrastinator’s Handbook: Master the Art of Doing It Now

The Procrastinator’s Handbook: Master the Art of Doing It Now

The Latin word ‘crastinus’ means ‘of tomorrow.’ With as accepted as this word is in our psyche, we should all embrace this book by Rita Emmett as a guide to getting past this behavior. To be clear, Emmett does identify that not all procrastination is bad, but the kind that takes a toll on your life, causing stress and illness and serious loss in productivity needs to be addressed.

Getting to the root of unwanted behavior is the first step to change.

Emmett starts with outlining the most common types of procrastinators, the behaviors we tend to adopt when we want to avoid doing the work that needs to get done. She then explains the fears that are behind these behaviors and provides motivation to look deeply into these fears and then confront them. For example, fear of change is one of the major roots of procrastination and causes of stress.

“Imagining what might happen when you move out of your comfort zone is enough to freeze you into inaction.”

A book that invites you to look directly at the root of unwanted and impeding behavior is certainly a must for your success shelf. But this book will only bring you results when it provides you with tools, resources and exercises to help you change that unwanted behavior. The Procrastinator’s Handbook is that book. Though a full read, it is designed as a handbook that you can turn to when you are struggling with why you are putting off important action and how you can work through your mental blocks around it.

Remember, procrastination isn’t all bad.

Sometimes slowing the action down leads you to reconsider first, if the goal is worth pursuing, and whether you’ve taken all the steps to approach it smartly. And when you are ready to move successfully forward, don’t let unhealthy procrastination stand in your way.

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