This sweet women’s fictional title by British author, Lia Louis is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. When a young Emmie Blue releases a balloon that held her email and secret into the sky, she wasn’t prepared for where the journey would take her. A young man, Lucas Moreau, summering on a French […]
Archive | August, 2020
Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts and Doubters
It isn’t hard to find a book written by successful entrepreneurs who share their stories of success and the principles anyone can follow to achieve their dreams. But it is incredibly hard to find a book that gives you the full picture of how they did it from day one, along with all the nitty […]
Author Insights: Why Being Nice Doesn’t Always Cut It
I like nice people. I know you do, too. Hey, to be honest we’re just a couple of nice folks moving through each day the best that we know how. While this is certainly nice, it doesn’t always cut it if we want to achieve big goals. Yes, there is no time like the present to […]
Yes is More: Tangible and Timeless Ways to Differentiate Yourself from Your Competitors
Every business owner and sales executive is looking for new ways to differentiate themselves and drive profit. Office supply mogul, Howard L. Brown outlines the just how to do this in his book Yes is More. This principle, on which he’s built his empire, is a simple one—saying “yes” and finding a way to fulfill […]
Author Q & A with Joseph Lewis
As an educator, it’s only natural we’d find Joseph Lewis authoring award-winning books. With a passion for writing, a gift for penning thriller fiction and a penchant for creating heartfelt blogs, Joe graciously took time away from his laptop to answer questions about his life, his milestones and his most recent novel, Betrayed. How do […]
Chase Darkness with Me: How One True-Crime Writer Started Solving Murders
There are certainly a lot of armchair detectives in the world. But few put their livelihood and their lives on the line in order to help solve cold cases and bring justice to the thousands of families who have given up hope. True-crime journalist Billy Jensen, along with Karen Kilgariff, tell the story of how […]
Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom and Abundance on Your Terms
Smart money management is difficult when you have emotional ties to it. And whether you realize it or not, you probably do. This stems from how you were raised, your experiences with money and how you view it regarding your financial goals and personal security. While this is normal, emotions can sometimes cloud smart decision […]