Assertiveness Training: Stop People Pleasing, Feeling Guilty and Caring for What Others Think, and Start Speaking Up, Saying No, and being More Confident.

Assertiveness Training: Stop People Pleasing, Feeling Guilty and Caring for What Others Think, and Start Speaking Up, Saying No, and being More Confident.

I found this little gem on Amazon and decided to check it out. I was pleasantly surprised at this fifth book in the Practical Emotional Intelligence series by James W. Williams. Yes, the title is lengthy, but it does a nice job in summarizing the wisdom, advice, and tools that you’ll find inside to build communication confidence.

I love how the author reinforces that assertiveness is not aggressiveness but rather speaking up, sharing one’s opinion, and staying confidently in control of whatever situation the reader my find themselves in. Gaining a firm grip on your emotions is another reinforced message that applies in all aspects of life. Especially if you have your sights set on success. Williams explains that this begins with self-awareness. He shares that few people prioritize self-awareness, opening oneself to better understand and acknowledge mistakes. This is sometimes a scary place, the fear of looking in the mirror, but it’s a positive sign of growth.

A concerning mindset that can be quieted through assertiveness training is believing that people only care about you when you are useful.

“This is a dangerous way of thinking.” To be consumed with others’ feelings about you and approval is an unhealthy way to live. While rejection isn’t fun, it’s part of life. People pleasers have a hard time making this distinction, but deep inside, long to be more assertive and say “no” more often. This book will show you how to find that healthy balance.

Assertiveness is a skill that should be practiced and honed over time because it’s a skill required for success in your personal and professional life, from forging mutually beneficial friendships, building a successful career and growing strong professional relationships. This book is a great tool for understanding the benefits of assertiveness and learning to apply it in all aspects of your life.

Source: Purchased

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