The busy life of a writer and author leaves little time for learning. Still, continuous improvement and professional development is critical in any professional endeavor. It’s important that authors interact with their fans, friends, fellows, and industry professionals. But it’s not always easy. Conferences, signings, and other events take a toll. Time away from family, […]
Archive | Book Craft
Why Having a Mentor Changes Everything
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a mentor. At least one, but in some cases, more than one. In my previous life, as a career professional then business owner for sixteen years, mentoring was critical for survival and success. But mentoring isn’t just for business. It’s a success strategy for excelling in […]
Advice From Pros: Michael Piekny
Michael Piekny is the publisher and acquisitions editor for Grailing Press. He has extensive experience at growing a client roster and subsidiary rights sales, and establishing a network of industry and author relationships. A creative, analyst, lawyer, and business mogul rolled into one, Michael is known for leveraging industry relationships to build enterprise and a […]
Writer’s Corner: Tired of Starting Over on Your Goals?
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I’ve started over—goals, fitness routines, writing projects, smart eating plans, and personal and professional resolutions. I know that after a few failed attempts at the same goal, the goal needs to be revisited. If it’s a worthy goal, a wanted goal, an achievable goal, then it’s […]
Advice From Pros: Erin Henn from Booksmart Literary Scouting
Booksmart Literary Scouting is a literary scouting agency founded in 2022 and led by Erin Hennicke, drawing on her 25+ years of industry experience and combining her love of great writing and film/TV. Hennicke began her career in the Subsidiary Rights Department at Viking Penguin, overseeing domestic/foreign/audio/& film/TV rights, before segueing into the film industry […]
Awesome Professional Associations for Authors and Writers
Have you ever joined a professional association hoping to gain the secret sauce for success? I have. In my lifetime, and over decades of professional pursuits, I’ve been a member of more associations than I can count. Sometimes, the industry licensure or employer require certain memberships and so you pay the fee, read the literature, […]
Nourishing Seeds of Inspiration
We are inspired all the time by actions we take, mistakes we made, things we observe, people we meet, and well, life. These seeds of inspiration are often the impetus of a fascinating story. All authors weave personal experiences into their books, and many write entire tomes around these experiences. It’s funny how my interest […]
Writer’s Corner: 5 Ways to Make the Most of The Publishing Industry’s Holiday Break
If you’re a writer, author, literary agent, publisher, or publicist, you get this title. It’s that time of year when all doors close to submissions and interactions with those in the industry. If you plan to reach out to editors and agents this month, odds are you’ll soon get an auto-reply that they are closed […]
Imposter’s Syndrome
Am I good enough? Should I be doing this? Will anyone like what I’ve created? Ahh, Imposter Syndrome. The inner critic dialogue triggered by self-doubt and criticism. We all experience it, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I recently was asked to speak on a topic near and dear to my heart—writing. Afterwards, I […]
Writer’s Corner: The Magic of a Mentor
5 Things To Do To Experience the Magic of a Mentoring Relationship Developing a relationship with a mentor, and becoming a mentor, is a must for successful any kind of professional development. Not only does a mentor provide you with an avenue of learning scripted specifically in answer to your most burning questions, but they will […]