Archive | The Author’s Journey

Prioritizing the Joy of Writing Over Everything Else

It seems everywhere you turn, there are expectations heaped upon you. Those from family, friends, colleagues, and community, and you also have high expectations heaped on yourself to be better, stronger, smarter, and more successful. Now, couple that with being an author. Whether you’re rocking your writing as a full-time endeavor or must squeeze time […]

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Author’s Journey: How to Find a Good Lawyer, and Why an Author Might Need One

I once had a colleague who was terrified of lawyers. She believed that they heralded bad news whenever one came into the organization. I should’ve asked her what she thought about accountants, but I digress. My point? Employing a literary lawyer is brilliant business sense, especially if you are an author. Why? They help you […]

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The Best Podcasts for Authors and Writers

Authors and writers have historically been lifelong learners. We love reading, attending conferences, actively engaging in writers’ groups, and immersing ourselves in traditional and non-traditional training programs. But if you’re looking for something “newish” in the professional development arena that you can enjoy just about anywhere and anytime, look no further than podcasts. And boy, […]

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How To Thoughtfully Manage Social Media Without Letting It Take Over Your Life

Your author’s journey, your personal and professional reputation, can easily be overshadowed by social media. Yes, it’s a necessary part of building your author’s story and brand, but if you let it take time from your career and your life (or it becomes a negative emotional environment), social media can quickly derail your life. Thoughtfully […]

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Finding Your Author’s Voice

Finding your voice is an answer to the question “Who is your reader?” Is this person looking for something serious, suspenseful, authoritative, humorous, spiritual, entertaining, dark, deep, light-hearted, or something else, that you may find parallels in a category on the booksellers’ shelves? Regardless of the central thread, your voice is uniquely you. It’s ironic how your […]

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Website by John Wierenga